La ricerca biomedica spesso comporta collezionismo, analizzando, e la conservazione di campioni biologici. Le provette per la conservazione dei campioni svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella ricerca biomedica fornendo un modo affidabile e sicuro di conservare questi campioni preservandone l'integrità per un uso futuro.
I tubi per la conservazione dei campioni sono disponibili in diverse forme, dimensioni, e materiali, ciascuno progettato per soddisfare le specifiche esigenze di conservazione di vari campioni. They can be made of glass, plastica, or any chemically-inert material, meaning they won’t react with the samples. The most commonly used material is polypropylene, which is ideal for laboratory applications due to its chemical resistance and low cost.
One of the essential features of sample storage tubes is their ability to protect samples from contamination. Many of these tubes come with a snap or screw-on cap that seals the tube air-tight, which assures that the sample remains intact and free from impurities like dust or bacteria. Inoltre, the cap prevents the evaporation of volatile liquids like ethanol and prevents the degradation of temperature-sensitive materials.
Some samples require special storage conditions, and the storage tube must be chosen accordingly. Per esempio, some samples need to be frozen, and in this case, the tube will be chosen based on its ability to withstand low temperatures without breaking or cracking. D'altra parte, some samples can be degraded by light, and amber-coloured tubes are required to prevent that.
Sample storage tubes come in two main types: the standard tube and the cryogenic tube. Standard tubes are used to store samples at room temperature or in the refrigerated conditions, whereas cryogenic tubes are designed to store samples at extremely low temperatures like in liquid nitrogen (-196°C).
It is worth mentioning that sample storage tubes are not just a temporary storage solution. They can be used as a long-term storage solution suitable for archiving materials and keeping biological and chemical samples in their original state for several years without any modifications.
MEDICO Sample Storage Tubes

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