Come fare un tampone faringeo?
Metodo di campionamento del tampone faringeo:
1. Chiedere al paziente di sedersi, inclinare la testa all'indietro, e spalanca la bocca. Il campionatore utilizza un abbassalingua per fissare la lingua, e ricoprire la testa con un tampone di floccaggio sopra la radice della lingua fino alla parete faringea posteriore, recesso tonsillare, parete laterale, eccetera.;
3. Wipe 3 A 5 times repeatedly to collect mucosal cells;
4. Take out the swab gently to avoid touching the tongue, pendant, oral mucosa and saliva;
5. Put the swab into the preservation solution and break the swab.
Nota: in circostanze normali, throat swab specimens are not used alone to diagnose upper respiratory tract infections, and should be combined with nasopharyngeal swabs or nasopharyngeal aspirates to improve the detection rate of respiratory tract infections.
1. This product is suitable for collecting virus and DNA samples infected in the oral cavity of people of any age group;
2. Please refrain from eating, fumare, or drinking 30 minutes before sampling to avoid infection of the collected samples.

tampone faringeo