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La risposta di Hua Chunying all’epidemia globale introdurrà un inverno freddo

La risposta di Hua Chunying all’epidemia globale introdurrà un inverno freddo

Qualche giorno fa, American expert Fauci said that by the end of the year, the number of deaths in the United States may exceed 300,000; The media said that the global epidemic will face the most dangerous and darkestcold winter”. In response, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said: As of November 22nd, China has exported about 39.43 billion

Global epidemic: Covid-19 more than 29.15 million confirmed cases worldwide

Global epidemic: Covid-19 more than 29.15 million confirmed cases worldwide

Global epidemic: più di 29.15 million confirmed cases worldwide Data map: Reuters Overseas Network, September 14th. Worldometer website real-time statistics show that as of about 6:30 a settembre 14, Ora di Pechino, un totale di 29154018 casi confermati di nuova polmonite coronarica in tutto il mondo, un totale di 927,696 deceduti, and more than 10,000 confirmed cases in 93 Paesi . The global epidemic


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