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the situation of COVID-19 epidemic in Fujian

Zhang Boli: La situazione dell’epidemia di COVID-19 nel Fujian è ancora grave, ma credo che possa essere controllato in circa un mese

By September 21, 44 new cases had been confirmed in Fujian, e un totale di 1,213 cases had been diagnosed. In an interview with Xinjing News Shell Finance, Zhang Boli, the recipient of the national honorary title ofPeople’s Hero”, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the

Delta Strain Reduces The Effectiveness Of US Vaccines: Soltanto 66% Remain

Delta Strain Reduces The Effectiveness Of US Vaccines: Soltanto 66% Remain

Kuai Technology reported on August 29 that a study recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States showed that after the delta mutant strain of the COVID-19 became the “main force” of the epidemic, the overall effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine approved in the United States has been reduced. About one-third. Researchers analyzed the

Vaccinazione per raggiungere l’immunità di gregge, controlli rigorosi utili per contrastare la variante Delta

Vaccinazione per raggiungere l’immunità di gregge, controlli rigorosi utili per contrastare la variante Delta

Un operatore sanitario prepara una dose di vaccino COVID-19 agli Universal Studios Hollywood di Los Angeles, California, gli Stati Uniti, Giugno 18, 2021.(Foto: Xinhua) La Cina non è l’unico Paese a lottare contro la variante mutata del SARS-CoV-2, which emerged late last year and began to rampage in recent days as more countries like the US and Singapore revised


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