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Le iniezioni HPV gratuite guidano la lotta contro il cancro cervicale

China has backed the global strategy of accelerating the elimination of cervical cancer, which was initiated by the World Health Organization in November 2020, secondo la Commissione sanitaria nazionale. The strategy stipulates getting 90 percent of girls under 15 In 194 countries vaccinated with HPV vaccines by 2030, and set a target of eliminating cervical cancer through vaccination, selezione …

Procedura per la raccolta delle cellule cervicali

The following describes the steps for cervical cell collection: pinch the long handle of cervical swab with thumb and index finger, put the front part of swab into cervix and rotate the cervical swab for 3~5 circles in one direction. Take out the cervical swab, and put the cervical swab front part into the freezing tube with 5 mL preservation


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