» Notizie dall'azienda » Successor to U.S. Il presidente contagia il nuovo coronavirus

Successore degli Stati Uniti. Il presidente contagia il nuovo coronavirus


The successor to the U.S. President is infected with the new crown virus, and the third in line to the President is infected with the new crown virus. Has been in contact with confirmed patients

Rete quotidiana d'oltremare delle persone, November 18th. Il 17 ora locale. The successor to the U.S. President is infected with the new crown virus, and the third in line to the President is infected with the new crown virus. Has been in contact with confirmed patients. The 87-year-old Grassley, the Speaker of the U.S. Senate, announced that he had tested positive for the new crown.

According to NBC, “New York Timesand other US media reports, Grassley first stated earlier that day that he had been in contact with a patient with the new crown and was quarantining at home. Dopo, he tweeted to confirm that he tested positive for the new crown. In the statement, Grassley said it feelsgoodand will continue to work at home.

According to NBC News, Grassley is the most senior Republican in the Senate, and he is also the president pro tempore of the Senate, which makes him the third-ranked presidential successor. Grassley is also the latest US congressman to be infected with the new crown virus. (Rete d'oltremare Zhang Ni)

Successore degli Stati Uniti. Il presidente contagia il nuovo coronavirus Successore degli Stati Uniti. Il presidente contagia il nuovo coronavirus

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