» Notizie dall'azienda » Russian official: La Russia ha iniziato a produrre il secondo vaccino contro il Covid-19

Funzionario russo: La Russia ha iniziato a produrre il secondo vaccino contro il Covid-19


Funzionario russo: La Russia ha iniziato a produrre il secondo vaccino contro il Covid-19.

Il capo specialista russo in prevenzione delle epidemie, Bobova, ha sottolineato il 27 che il quartier generale russo della prevenzione delle epidemie ha deciso di adottare varie misure in varie parti della Russia a partire dal 28 per contrastare la grave situazione di trasmissione del coronavirus.. Da ottobre 11 quest'anno, the number of confirmed cases in COVID-19 in Russia has increased linearly from 11,000 to more than 17,000 every day.

According to the regulations, from Wednesday, October 28th, all citizens will wear medical masks to protect the public respiratory system in public transportation, subway, taxis, shopping malls and elevators. No store is allowed to provide catering service and entertainment activities between 23: 00 E 6: 00.

Agenzia di stampa Xinhua, Moscow, ottobre 27 (Reporter Li Ao) popova, director of the Consumer Rights Protection and Public Welfare Supervision Bureau of the Russian Federation, said on the 27th that Russia has started to produce the second COVID-19 vaccine.

Lo stesso giorno, Russian media quoted popova as saying that Russia had started to produce the second Russian COVID-19 vaccineEpiVacCoronadeveloped by the Russian National Science Center of Vector Virology and Biotechnology.

Secondo i rapporti, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on August 11 that the Russian Ministry of Health had for the first time registered a COVID-19 vaccine namedSatellite Vdeveloped in China. Putin announced on October 14th that the second COVID-19 vaccineEpiVacCoronain Russia had been registered.

Inoltre, the Russian legal information website published the document signed by popova on October 27, requiring people to wear masks in public places and crowded places, and suggested that entertainment and dining places in Russia should be closed from 23: 00 every day to 6: 00 the next day. According to this proposal, the chief executives of all parts of Russia will decide on their own whether the local entertainment and dining places will be closed at night.

Popova said that the seasonal characteristics of the epidemic are very obvious, and there is a risk of deterioration of the current epidemic in Russia. From the 28th, people must wear masks in public places and crowded places. According to the news of the Russian Epidemic Prevention Command on the 27th, nel passato 24 ore, c'erano 16,550 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Russia, con un totale di 1,547,774 confirmed cases and a total of 26,589 deceduti.

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