Cos'è il virus RSV?
Virus respiratorio sinciziale (RSV) è un virus che può causare infezioni polmonari e respiratorie.
Il virus RSV è così comune che la maggior parte dei bambini infetta all'età di 2.
Negli adulti e negli anziani, così come i bambini sani, i sintomi dell'RSV sono più lievi e spesso simili al comune raffreddore.
In most cases symptoms are mild and self-limiting.
And RSV can also cause pneumonia in children and, in rare cases, even in immunocompetent adults.
Because the symptoms of RSV are very similar to other cold symptoms, tests are needed to determine if you infect with RSV.
So RSV can now detect using a rapid test reagent.
RSV rapid test reagent
Reagente per test rapido del virus RSV con tamponi nasofaringei

Because the respiratory Fusion Cell Virus Rapid test reagent use to detect patients using nasopharyngeal swabs and nasopharyngeal flusher.
Respiratory fusion cell virus antigen in wash/draw samples.
Respiratory Fusion cell virus rapid assay reagent is an in vitro rapid qualitative assay reagent for RSV antigen was detected in nasopharyngeal swabs and nasopharyngeal rinse/aspirate in patients with RSV symptoms.
Intended Use
RSV Test is a rapid in vitro immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of RSV from the nasopharyngeal swab of symptomatic patients.
This test is intended for laboratory and professional use only. It is designed to assist in the diagnosis of respiratory fusion cells in patients.
If this test shows negative results, cell culture or direct fluorescent antibody assay (DFAE) should be performed Confirm the diagnosis.