» Prodotti » Mezzo di trasporto » Transport Swab

Transport Swab

MEIDIKE GENE offers a comprehensive range of transport swabs designed for the safe collection, preservation, and transportation of microbial specimens. Our transport swabs are pre-filled with specialized media to maintain the viability of bacteria and other microorganisms, Garantire risultati diagnostici accurati. Available in Stuart, Cary-Blair, and Amies media, these swabs are widely used in clinical, laboratorio, and research applications. They feature sterile packaging, high-quality swab materials, and leak-proof transport tubes to meet stringent medical and laboratory standards.


    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

    ragnatela: www.medicoswab.com

    Numero di telefono: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com