» Notizie dall'azienda » Object surface sampling method

Object surface sampling method


surface sampling

Surface sampling occurs when outbreaks of nosocomial infections

1 Sampling time to choose within 4H after disinfection sampling

2 With 5cm × 5cm standard sterilization specifications plate, on the surface of the object being seized, requiring an area ≥ 100cm2, continuous sampling 4.

3 A sampling swab soaked with sterile 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) sample solution was swabbed back and forth 5 times in the standard plate, followed by rotating the swab to continuously sample the area of 1 A 4 specifications

4 Cut off the hand contact and place the sampling swabs in a test tube containing 5 mL of sample solution for submission.

5 Door handles and other small objects are tamponi di prelievo directly applied to the entire surface of the sample method

tamponi di prelievo


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