Il test del tampone di rondine è un metodo di test medico, che utilizza un batuffolo di cotone medico per immergere una piccola quantità di secrezione dalla faringe del corpo umano, lo inocula in un piatto di coltura speciale, e poi lo inserisce in un dispositivo a temperatura controllata per la coltura. Puoi conoscere le condizioni del paziente, infezione della mucosa orale e della gola. Secretions were taken from pharynx and tonsil for bacterial culture or virus isolation. Novel coronavirus is mainly transmitted through respiratory tract, so taking samples from pharynx can be further investigated. When nucleic acid is positive, it indicates that there is virus infection. Of course, its false negative probability is also relatively high, and the accuracy rate is about 30%, which usually needs to be taken three or four times.
The sampling swab for microbial flocking of oropharynx virus produces by Shenzhen Medico Technology Co.,Ltd adopts the unique injection nylon fiber implantation technology,which increases the collection and release of specimens.The swab has a total length of 14.5cm, e l'asta di plastica ha un design unico e fragile. Its fluff texture can collect more target analytes,and the swab is sterilized and packaged independently. Tampone sterile in confezione indipendente.
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