» Notizie dall'azienda » New crown virus detected in swab test of imported king crab

New crown virus detected in swab test of imported king crab


New crown virus detected in swab test of imported king crab outer packaging samples from Chile

Interface news

New crown virus detected in swab test of imported king crab outer packaging samples from Chile, the Customs took emergency preventive measures

In novembre 28, the website of the General Administration of Customs reported that a sample of a batch of frozen king crabs imported from Chile was found to be positive for the new coronavirus nucleic acid.

In accordance with the regulations of the General Administration of Customs Announcement No. 103 Di 2020, the national customs will suspend the acceptance of import declarations from Chilean aquatic product manufacturers PESQUERA ISLA DEL REY SA (registration number 10027) for one week, and will automatically resume after the expiration date.

swab test of imported king crab swab test of imported king crab

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