Medico flocked swabs manufacturer help foreign epidemics
Features of flocked swab:
Flocked sampling swab, also known as flocked swab, sampling swab or disposable sampling swab, the vertical nylon fiber structure of its head is like a soft brush, che può migliorare l'effetto di raccolta dei campioni cellulari, not only for microorganisms Poisoning can also maximize the collection and release of specimens.
Compared with traditional sampling swabs, the advantage of Medico’s flocking sampling swabs is that there is no mutual absorption core to disperse and trap the sample, and rapid collection makes the entire sample adhere to the surface of the villi and can be completely eluted.
Medico’s disposable sampling flocked swabs are widely used in bacteriological sample processing, campionamento genetico, virological cell culture, DFA testing, rapid and direct testing, enzyme immunoassay testing, polymerase chain reaction and molecular diagnostic-based It is ideal for testing and forensic identification. Può essere utilizzato anche per il campionamento della gola di virus respiratori come l'influenza, influenza suina, influenza aviaria, mano, piede e bocca.

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