» Notizie dall'azienda » How long can we get the redults of nucleic acid test

Per quanto tempo possiamo ottenere i risultati del test dell'acido nucleico


Per quanto tempo possiamo ottenere i risultati del test dell'acido nucleico?

Il tempo necessario per mostrare i risultati del rilevamento dell'acido nucleico varia a causa del numero di istituti di rilevamento e del numero di campioni di acido nucleico in ciascuna regione. Generalmente, i risultati saranno disponibili entro 24-48 ore. If there is a testing institution in this unit at the fastest time, the patients admitted to the emergency department can show the emergency results in 4-6 ore. Attualmente, nucleic acid detection is carried out in a wide range, which is mainly used for screening asymptomatic infected people, as well as for screening ordinary people who return to work, riprendi la produzione e torna a scuola. Attualmente, Il rilevamento dell'acido nucleico è ancora una base importante per la diagnosi di nuovo coronavirus e polmonite. Perciò, if there are suspicious patients with contact history or epidemiological history, febbre, affaticamento e altri sintomi, we must go to the fever clinic of the designated hospital for nucleic acid detection.

1. In the early stage of epidemic in novel coronavirus, due to the imperfection of detection means and equipment, the time of nucleic acid detection results may be relatively slow.

2. Attualmente, the manufacturing technology of the kit is very mature, and the detection method and speed are very fast, and the report can be obtained in about 12 hours or 24 ore. If it is a quick test, the result can be obtained in 3 hours or 6 ore.

3. Due to different specimens, different treatments are required, and the time for taking the report results is different. Per esempio, the routine throat swabs and sputum swabs will give the results faster.

4. If the stool samples of patients are tested, it is possible to separate them, so the time for nucleic acid detection will be slower.


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