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To investigate the oral swab routine bacteria


Discussion on Bacterial oral swab study

There are many kinds of bacteria in the mouth of the human body. The normal flora of the oral area plays a certain role in maintaining the normal and normal function of the host. Tuttavia, some bacteria in normal flora can also cause diseases when the host’s general resistance and local immunity are low. Medical institutions use tamponi orali to study the distribution of normal bacteria in oral cavity patients.

 Tampone orale medico

Research methods:

1) With Medico sterile flocking tampone orale smear gums and palate in patients with oral disease, and immediately separated from the sample on the blood plate, McKinsey plate at 37 ℃ 18 ~ 24dx, and then observe the colony morphology, pigment, hemolysis , Break down the characteristics of sugar, and Gram stain.

(2) The isolated Gram-positive cocci, Gram-negative bacilli for specific enzyme test and specific biochemical reactions.

(3) identification of gram positive bacilli and gram-negative cocci according to the characteristics of bacterial species. On the basis of the identification of the main fungal staining morphology, colony characteristics and sprouting, eccetera.

According to the sample analysis: Ci sono circa 10 species of bacteria, 14 kinds of bacteria, but also a fungus, most of the living things in the oral normal resident, oral buccal separation of pathogenic bacteria in different age groups in the number of distribution, species Different

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    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


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