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Come utilizzare i tamponi orali?

Come utilizzare i tamponi orali?

Introduction of oral swabs In the use of Medico oral swab should pay attention to packaging signs, to check whether the packaging is damaged, such as damaged, is strictly prohibited. This sampling method is suitable for DNA sample collection in any age group. Step up: Fare un passo 1: prepare a cup of water, drink about 50 ml of water to wash the
Raccolta dei campioni di influenza Tamponi floccati

Raccolta dei campioni di influenza Tamponi floccati

L’influenza è una delle trappole più comuni che minacciano la salute umana. Quanto prima la scoperta, tanto più favorevole per il nostro trattamento. (Raccolta dei campioni di influenza Tamponi floccati) Attualmente, il metodo diagnostico del virus dell'influenza in laboratorio, compresa la rilevazione diretta dell'antigene, isolamento di ceppi virali mediante coltura cellulare, rilevamento dell'RNA virale mediante RT-PCR, e rilevazione degli anticorpi sierici. The following
Tamponi nasali per lo screening dell'MRSA

Tamponi nasali per lo screening dell'MRSA

You will get some information about the specimen collection of nasal flocked swabs for the purpose of screening for MRSA in the hospital environment. This article is from a professional flocked swabs manufacturer in China, Medico. MRSA: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a clinically common and highly toxic bacterium, and has become one of the most important pathogens in hospital and
Nasofaringeo (Np) And Throat Swab For Viral Respiratory Infections

Nasofaringeo (Np) And Throat Swab For Viral Respiratory Infections

Nasofaringeo (Np) Swabs And Throat Swab For Viral Respiratory Infections There will be all kinds of bacteria parasitic in the mouth, because we breathe and eat through the mouth. Such as cacon, a variety of staphylococci, various Streptococcus, diphtheria-like bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoniae and E. coli and so on. There are also anaerobic bacteria, such as digestive bacteria, Bacteroides and yeasts. You
Naso oropharyngeal swabs are used for the diagnosis of pharyngeal diseases

Naso oropharyngeal swabs are used for the diagnosis of pharyngeal diseases

People’s had normal pharyngeal flora. Pharyngeal bacteria are from the outside world, under normal circumstances will not lead to disease, but when the human body or local resistance to decline and other external factors, it maybe cause infection and other diseases. Naso oropharyngeal swabs are used for the diagnosis of pharyngeal diseases. The naso oropharyngeal swabs can isolate the pathogens, contribute
Nasal swabs Nasopharyngeal swabs for Influenza Specimen Collection

Nasal swabs Nasopharyngeal swabs for Influenza Specimen Collection

Nasal swabs Nasopharyngeal swabs for Influenza Specimen Collection What is the difference between nasal swab and nasopharyngeal swab? Be made by nylon flock fiber, they are the same, tamponi floccati. Used in Influenza Specimen Collection. Influenza is a major cause of acute respiratory illness worldwide and accounts for thousands of deaths all over the world in a typical season. Influenza patients are
Tampone nasofaringeo e orofaringeo per la rilevazione del virus dell'influenza

Tampone nasofaringeo e orofaringeo per la rilevazione del virus dell'influenza

Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Swabbing for the Detection of Influenza Virus This is a flu season, many people go to the hospital for influenza examination. Doctors use medical swabs, like flocked swabs, tamponi di cotone, tamponi di schiuma, to do virus sampling for Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal. Which tools be choosed by doctors will affect the inspection results and inspection speed. We suggest you use Nasopharyngeal
I tamponi nasali potrebbero aiutare a diagnosticare il cancro ai polmoni

I tamponi nasali potrebbero aiutare a diagnosticare il cancro ai polmoni

Il cancro ai polmoni è ancora il principale killer del cancro, una volta scoperto, era troppo tardi. New research suggests that a simple nasal swab could accurately determine whether a patient has lung cancer. Molti pazienti che sono stati diagnosticati come benigni sono stati sottoposti a procedure mediche invasive, come la biopsia polmonare chirurgica, CT. But the new study found a genomic tool that would
Come utilizzare il rinofaringe(NP) Raccolta campioni Tampone floccato per l'influenza?

Come utilizzare il rinofaringe(NP) Raccolta campioni Tampone floccato per l'influenza?

More and more countries recommend nasopharyngeal (NP) flocked swabs as the preferred specimen collection device for influenza testing. The reasons for using sample collection flocked swab for the flu: Flocked swabs exhibit a superior recovery and elution of specimens. Flocked swabs provide better sample collection due to their brush-like tip, which releases higher numbers of target cells and retains more liquid sample
Cervical Flocked Swab Specimen Collection Protocol

Cervical Flocked Swab Specimen Collection Protocol

Cervical Flocked Swab Specimen Collection Protocol Collect To collect adequate cells specimen using cervical flocked swab. If desired, use lukewarm water to warm and lubricate the speculum. Water-soluble gel lubricant sparingly applied to the posterior blade of the speculum can be used if necessary. Insert the flocked swab into the endocervical canal deep enough to allow the nylon microfibers to
Why choose to use Nylon Flocked Swab?

Why choose to use Nylon Flocked Swab?

Medico Flocked swab is made of nylon fluff and is vertically sprayed on the ABS rod.The collected cells can be strongly adsorbed on the nylon fiber bundle, which is easy and comfortable to be close to the surface of the sampling head.The exfoliated cells of the patient were extracted, and the collected exfoliated cells were separated and released into the cell

    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

    ragnatela: www.medicoswab.com

    Numero di telefono: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com