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CDC Experts: The Existing COVID-19 Vaccine Still Effective Against Omicron Virus

The new coronavirus reproduces a new mutant strainOmicron”. As of November 28, South Africa, Israel, Belgium, Italy, il Regno Unito, Austria, and Hong Kong, Cina, have monitored the input of this mutant strain. The input of this mutant strain has not been found in other provinces and cities in our country. Many countries have upgraded their anti-epidemic measures to

Tutto quello che devi sapere sulla variante Omicron

The World Health Organization on last Friday assigned the Greek letter omicron to a newly identified Covid variant in South Africa. The following is the answer about Omicron Variant. What is it called? The variant was initially referred to as B.1.1.529, but on Friday was designated as a variant of concern (VOC) by the World Health Organization because of its “concerning” mutations

How to Protect Yourself From the COVID Delta Variant

  Delta Variant Symptoms Are Similar The Delta strain does have similar symptoms to the original COVID strain but there are some important differences. So far, loss of taste and smell are not known as common signs of the Delta variant. The common symptoms associated with Delta are: • Sore throat • Runny nose • Fever • Headaches While fever
Precauzioni per il prelievo di tampone nasofaringeo

Precauzioni per il prelievo di tampone nasofaringeo

I tamponi nasofaringei vengono utilizzati principalmente per il campionamento nasale e faringeo di virus respiratori e intestinali come l'influenza, influenza suina, influenza aviaria, mano, piede e bocca, eccetera. Quando si utilizzano tamponi per il campionamento nasofaringeo, prestare attenzione alle seguenti precauzioni, altrimenti non influenzerà solo l'accuratezza del campionamento, ma causare anche gravi lesioni a chi lo prende. Preparazione prima …

How to Choose a Correct Virus Preservation Solution for COVID-19 Nucleic Acid Testing

Attualmente, the form of prevention and control of the new coronavirus is still very severe. As the first step of nucleic acid detection, the importance of sample collection and preservation is undoubted. The inspection industry often saysgarbage in, garbage outis important. The first influencing factor is sample collection. If there is a problem with the sample collection, …

Winter vacation for many colleges across China to start earlier amid latest campus COVID-19 flare-ups

Medical workers conduct the third round of full-scale nucleic acid testing on November 14, 2021 in a university in Dalian, Northeast China’s Liaoning Province. Photo: CFP Winter vacation for many colleges in multiple provinces across China this year will start earlier than usual amid recent domestic COVID-19 flare-ups as the new round of resurgences presents characteristics of infection clusters
Strategy of containing virus proves effective

Strategy of containing virus proves effective

A medical worker takes a swab sample from a citizen for nucleic acid test at a testing site in Xining, Northwest China’s Qinghai province, on Nov 8, 2021. [Foto/Xinhua] China will stick to its process of clearing any COVID-19 infections whenever an outbreak occurs, National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng said over the weekend. It will continue to follow the

What are the procedures from throat swab collection to nucleic acid test report?

From a throat swab collection to the nucleic acid test report on the phone, what has gone through in between? Let us go into the COVID-19 Nucleic Acid Testing Laboratory of the Medical Laboratory Department of Bei’an First People’s Hospital, and follow the medical staff to reveal the whole process of nucleic acid testing. First of all, the sampling personnel

Quali sono i vantaggi della scelta di un tampone orofaringeo per il test del DNA

The standard method of sample collection for many of our DNA tests is through an oropharyngeal swab. This is the standard method of sample collection in the industry as collecting DNA is quick, painless and easy. Here are 5 benefits to choose an oropharyngeal swab for DNA testing: 1. Convenient and simple Using a swab is so easy that anybody

Shanghai Disney non ha riscontrato alcun caso finora dopo i test

Resort Disney di Shanghai. [Foto/IC] Sopra 33,000 le persone sono risultate negative al test COVID-19 allo Shanghai Disney Resort, dopo che domenica sera il complesso di intrattenimento ha condotto massicci test sugli acidi nucleici in loco e ha annunciato chiusure temporanee per collaborare con un'indagine epidemica collegata ad altre province. A partire da 8 sono lunedì, tutto il 33,863 le persone testate presso la struttura hanno riportato risultati negativi, …

I vaccini cinesi aiutano a combattere il COVID-19 a livello globale

La Cina ha ceduto 1.5 miliardi di dosi dei suoi vaccini contro il COVID-19 106 paesi e quattro organizzazioni internazionali quest’anno, svolgendo un ruolo significativo nel contenere il virus e nel promuovere la collaborazione globale, disse Luo Zhaohui, presidente dell’Agenzia cinese per la cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo. Il paese ha anche consegnato grandi quantità di materiale antivirus, come indumenti protettivi, masks and

I casi di COVID-19 sollevano timori di diffusione invernale

I test sugli acidi nucleici vengono condotti a Xi’an, Provincia dello Shaanxi, il mercoledì. Le autorità hanno rafforzato le misure di prevenzione e controllo per arrestare la diffusione del virus. [Foto di Ruan Banhui/per China Daily] Ultimi cluster, possibilmente legato al gruppo turistico, require urgent action The recent COVID-19 clusters in at least seven provinces and autonomous regions, which are suspected to be related

    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

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    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com