» Notizie del settore » How to Use Virus Transport Medium (VTM) Kit di raccolta

Come utilizzare il mezzo di trasporto dei virus (VTM) Kit di raccolta



Mezzo di trasporto del virus (VTM) kits are used to transport specimens from patients suspected of having a viral infection to a laboratory for testing. The VTM kit includes a tube filled with viral transport medium, a sterile swab, and a plastic bag for transportation. Here are the steps to use the VTM kit:

  • Open the VTM kit and remove the swab from its sterile packaging.
  • Insert the swab into the patient’s nose, gola, or other area where the specimen is being collected.
  • Rotate the swab gently for a few seconds to collect the specimen.
  • Remove the swab from the patient and immediately place it into the tube containing the viral transport medium.
  • Break the swab handle at the score line to ensure that it fits inside the tube, and tighten the cap on the tube.
  • Place the tube containing the specimen into the plastic bag provided and seal the bag.
  • Label the bag with the patient’s name, data di raccolta, and other required information.

Avviso: VTM kits are intended for use by trained healthcare professionals and laboratory personnel. Improper use of the VTM kit may result in inaccurate test results or contamination of the specimen.

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    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

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