» Notizie del settore » Hong Kong to shorten quarantine period on arrival

Hong Kong ridurrà il periodo di quarantena all'arrivo


A partire da venerdì, i visitatori provenienti dall'estero e da Taiwan saranno sottoposti a una quarantena di sette giorni composta da tre giorni in hotel e quattro giorni a casa, lo ha annunciato lunedì il massimo leader della città.

Parlando ai media, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu said those confirmed positive of COVID-19 after nucleic acid tests will receive a red code on the Leavehomesafe app. The rest will receive a yellow code until they finish the quarantine.

The health code will turn blue automatically after the quarantine is over provided the visitors test negative, Lee said.

Those with yellow health code can take public transportation and go to work, shopping malls and wet markets. Tuttavia, they cannot enter premises which require a vaccine pass.

Secretary for Health Chung-mau Lo said those with yellow health code, during the four-day health observation period, will need to take Rapid Antigen Test on daily basis.

Those who have already booked seven-day hotel quarantine can still proceed with their trip to Hong Kong. The hotels will refund them if they are fit to leave after three days of quarantine.

Hong Kong reported on Sunday 4,274 new COVID-19 cases and five elderly deaths, bringing the city’s toll during the fifth wave to 9,327.


Fonte: Internet

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