» Notizie dall'azienda » Focus on the COVID-19 epidemicAfrican war epidemic

Focus on the COVID-19 epidemicAfrican war epidemic


Focus on the COVID-19 epidemicAfrican war epidemic”,Representatives of Chinese and African think tanks made suggestions and cooperation.

Compared with other parts of the world, the African continent seems to be less affected by the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic, so that there are reports directly saying, “Why didn’t the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic destroy Africa?” As the title, and put forward theAfrican mysteryof the epidemic response to the low mortality in Africa. “Why ask Africawhy’?” Elísio Macamo, a professor at the Swiss university of basel, asked, saying that similar statements imply traditional prejudice against African countries. In his view, Africa’s anti-epidemic experience is not to find a balance between reducing mortality and economic development, but to take measures as far as possible to prevent the spread of the epidemic. In this process, China has given strong support to Africa.

Liu Haifang, director of the Center for African Studies at Peking University, also stressed the need to abandon prejudice and disregard. She said that Africa’s outstanding anti-epidemic performance is due to objective factors such as hot climate and younger population, which should be comprehensively judged. Infatti, African CDC has summed up two successful experiences: first, early response, and second, high efficiency of medical system.

Including the above-mentioned Chinese and African scholars, on the evening of 6th Beijing time, some delegates attending the 9th China-Africa Think Tank Forum discussed the topic ofChina-Africa solidarity against epidemic and public health securityin an online and offline way. While reviewing the unity of China and Africa in fighting against the epidemic, they also made suggestions and suggestions for new challenges.

Participants generally agreed that China and Africa have demonstrated the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance in this cooperation against the epidemic. Africa gave China assistance and support to the best of its ability at the early stage of the outbreak, and China also sent anti-epidemic expert medical teams to Africa on the basis of existing health cooperation, sharing the knowledge and technology of epidemic prevention without reservation. EdwardA.Boateng, Ghana’s ambassador to China, has a good understanding of this. When he spoke online, ha detto, “China and African countries are doing a good job in fighting the epidemic. We are very grateful to China for its strong support.

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