» Notizie dall'azienda » Factors Affecting Throat Swab Specimen Collection

Fattori che influenzano la raccolta dei campioni di tampone faringeo


È una procedura clinica comune raccogliere campioni di superficie della mucosa respiratoria con tampone nasofaringeo, che viene utilizzato per valutare se sono presenti virus respiratori o infezioni batteriche negli adulti e nei bambini. Nella diagnosi dell'infezione da nuovo coronavirus, la raccolta di tamponi nasofaringei per il rilevamento dell'acido nucleico è un metodo di esame importante. Patients without special contraindications of nasopharyngeal swab collection can be operated. If the patient has a recent history of nasal trauma or surgery, or has a history of obvious deviation of nasal septum, or has a history of chronic nasal obstruction and severe coagulation disorder, clinicians should be cautious.

Tampone nasale Il tampone nasale potrebbe aiutare a diagnosticare il cancro ai polmoni


1.All patients undergoing novel coronavirus testing should wear masks, and the collection personnel should provide appropriate personal protection as required.

2.Before collecting specimens, ask patients to take off their masks and blow their noses with paper towels in order to remove excess secretions in the nasal cavity.

3.Take the swab out of the package and tilt the patient’s head slightly backward, so that the swab can reach the nasopharynx more easily through the nasal cavity. Tell the patient to close his eyes to relieve slight discomfort during operation.

4.Gently insert the throat swab along the nasal septum until a sense of resistance indicates that the swab has reached the bottom of the nasopharynx.

5.Attention should be paid to keeping the throat swab parallel to the palate during insertion. If the swab encounters resistance when passing through the nasal passages, it is necessary to retreat the swab and try to change the angle to re-enter.

6.The insertion depth of the swab should be equal to the distance from the nostril to the opening outside the ear. I Centri per il controllo e la prevenzione delle malattie (Centro per la prevenzione e il controllo delle malattie) recommends that the swab should be placed for several seconds after reaching the bottom of the nasopharynx so that the top of the swab can absorb secretions, and then slowly remove it while rotating the swab.

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    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


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