» Notizie dall'azienda » Experts warn that a third wave is likely in the United States

Experts warn that a third wave is likely in the United States


More than 40.24m cases have been confirmed globally, with experts warning that a third wave in the US is likely


Fonte: Associated Press

According to real-time statistics from Worldometer website, da 6:30 am On October 19, Ora di Pechino, un totale di 4,0243,940 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed worldwide, con un totale di 1,117,893 deceduti, and more than 10,000 casi dentro 109 Paesi.

The global epidemic continues to spread. In the Americas, NOI. health officials are warning that a third wave of the disease is likely in the United States, as Brazil’s economy slowly recovers as it returns to work. The epidemic is severe in Europe, with the biggest single-day increase in the number of confirmed cases in France and another high-level diagnosis in Russia. In Africa, food security and poverty reduction are seriously threatened by the epidemic. In Asia, Indian media reported that the government has started to confirm the priority list of vaccinations, and the cluster of infections in South Korea continues.

Americhe: The third wave of the epidemic in the US is likely to arrive and Brazil’s economy will recover slowly after returning to work

The United States

According to Worldometer’s real-time stats, da circa 6:30 p.m. nel mese di ottobre 19, gli Stati Uniti. had a cumulative total of 8385,953 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 224,726 deceduti. In the United States, c'erano 46,678 nuovi casi confermati e 470 new deaths compared to 6.30 hours earlier.

CNN reported on October 18 that at least 69,000 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the United States on October 16, the highest number of new cases in a single day since July. Experts say this marks the beginning of an outbreak in the Fall and winter in the United States.

This follows two previous peaks reported in the US in the spring and summer. In recent months, NOI. health officials have been warning that the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States is quietly rising as the fall and winter approach, that a third wave is likely and that the U.S. government should take more stringent measures to contain the virus.

a third wave a third wave


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