Devo isolarmi durante il Festival di Primavera?
Il cliente dell'Health Times ha riferito che devo essere messo in quarantena quando torno a casa durante il Festival di Primavera? Riepilogo dell'ultima situazione in 31 Province e città
A gennaio 13, i passeggeri possono iniziare ad acquistare i biglietti del treno per Capodanno secondo le regole di 30 giorni prima della vendita dei biglietti online. Tuttavia, Con l'avvicinarsi del nuovo anno cinese, Ci sono molti segni sparsi di epidemie domestiche. “Puoi andare a casa per il festival di primavera”, “Sia che tu debba eseguire test di acido nucleico quando torni a casa da un altro posto”, E “Sia che tu debba essere messo in quarantena quando torni nella tua città in aree ad alto rischio” sono diventati argomenti di preoccupazione per molte persone.
Pechino per viaggiare a Pechino da aree ad alto rischio, devono essere messi in quarantena per 14 giorni e sottoporsi a test di acido nucleico. Le persone nelle aree a basso rischio devono registrare le loro informazioni personali sull'app Jingxinxiangzhi e contattare in anticipo le loro comunità e le loro unità. Tianjin secondo i requisiti di prevenzione e controllo dell'epidemia di Tianjin, Le aree a basso rischio detengono il codice di salute verde di Tianjin, con la normale temperatura corporea e segnalare alla comunità locale. Le aree a rischio medio devono anche fornire il codice di salute e un rapporto di test di acido nucleico negativo di 7 giorni. Contatta la comunità locale per la segnalazione , Stare a casa per 14 giorni.
Shijiazhuang, Hebei a gennaio 12, La conferenza stampa della prevenzione e del controllo della prevenzione e del controllo della provincia di Hebei richiedeva che i siti di controllo epidemici fossero istituiti all'ingresso e alle uscite di Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Gaocheng, E Nangong, e veicoli e persone dovrebbero essere persuasi a tornare; Altre strade rurali dovrebbero essere separate fisicamente. 24 Ispezione oraria e protezione per garantire che i veicoli e il personale non lasci il villaggio, contea, o città. In Shijiazhuang e Xingtai, Il meccanismo di ispezione stradale della polizia stradale della sicurezza pubblica è stato lanciato per rilevare e smaltire prontamente veicoli e personale illegali.
I regolamenti di prevenzione e controllo dell'epidemia di Taiyuan Shanxi Shanxi Taiyuan richiedono che se torni da un'area a basso rischio in Hebei, Un rapporto di test di acido nucleico negativo all'interno 7 sono richiesti giorni e un autunno di 14 giorni. I codici di salute verde e i codici di viaggio sono forniti da altre aree con bassi rischi, e devono essere segnalati a ciascuna area urbana. Il ritorno da un'area a rischio medio richiede 14 giorni di isolamento domestico e 2 Test di acido nucleico. Tornando da un'area ad alto rischio, un isolamento centralizzato di 14 giorni e 2 Sono implementati i test di acido nucleico. Hohhot, Persone della Mongolia interiore dalle aree a basso rischio a Hohhot, Mongolia interiore, Ho solo bisogno di trattenere il codice verde di salute per passare. Le aree a rischio medio richiedono un rapporto di test di acido nucleico negativo e codice di salute verde. Le aree ad alto rischio sono direttamente messe in quarantena, Ma devono assicurarsi che dopo dicembre 15 Vai a Xingtai City e Shijiazhuang City. Shenyang, Liaoning per visitatori da aree ad alto rischio, Shenyang implementa rigorosamente una quarantena centralizzata di 14 giorni e un'osservazione, durante il quale vengono eseguiti i test di acido nucleico ogni tre giorni, e un monitoraggio sanitario della comunità di 7 giorni viene implementato dopo il sollevamento della quarantena centralizzata. Per le aree di Pechino ad eccezione delle aree chiave, Devono portarlo dentro 7 Giorni il rapporto negativo del test dell'acido nucleico. Changchun, Jilin per viaggiare dalle aree a basso rischio a Changchun, È necessario riferire alla comunità e seguire le disposizioni del personale della comunità. Le aree a rischio medio devono essere isolate a casa per 14 giorni e sottoposti 3 Test di acido nucleico. Le persone in aree ad alto rischio che hanno le condizioni per la quarantena domestica sono per la prima volta 14 giorni e poi messo in quarantena a casa per 7 giorni. Coloro che non soddisfano le condizioni per la quarantena domestica sono messi in quarantena 21 giorni, E 4 Sono richiesti test di acido nucleico. Harbin, La provincia di Heilongjiang quelle provenienti da aree a basso rischio che vengono ad Harbin devono tenere il codice verde del codice sanitario e riferire alla comunità. Le persone nelle aree ad alto rischio devono essere messe in quarantena per 14 giorni, e poi in quarantena a casa per 7 giorni, durante il quale subiranno 3 Test di acido nucleico. Shanghai Coloro che tornano a Shanghai da o passano attraverso aree ad alto rischio dell'epidemia domestica devono essere messi in quarantena e osservati per 14 giorni e sottoporsi a due test di acido nucleico. Coloro che tornano a Shanghai da aree a rischio medio devono sottoporsi a una rigorosa gestione della salute della comunità di 14 giorni e due nuovi test di acido nucleico del coronavirus. Allo stesso tempo, Deve riferire alla comunità locale. Le persone nelle aree a basso rischio devono solo trattenere il codice verde per il ritorno a Shanghai. Nanjing, Le persone di Jiangsu dalle aree a medio rischio devono essere messe in quarantena quando vanno a Nanjing. Se provengono dal distretto di Chaoyang di Pechino e dal distretto di Shunyi, quelli nel mezzo- e le aree ad alto rischio dell'Africa centrale possono passare con un certificato di test di acido nucleico negativo all'interno 7 giorni. Le persone in altre aree a basso rischio detengono il codice verde del codice di salute, E la loro temperatura è normale. Hangzhou, Le persone di Zhejiang in aree a basso rischio possono passare attraverso Hangzhou se detengono il codice verde del codice di salute di Hangzhou, medium-risk areas need to have a negative nucleic acid test report within 7 giorni, and high-risk areas need to report to the local community and conduct 7-day dynamic monitoring . Hefei, Anhui High-risk areas in Hefei need to be quarantined for 14 giorni, E 2 nucleic acid tests are negative; medium-risk areas need to be centrally managed in the community, and both nucleic acid tests are negative; in low-risk areas, Hei, if there are local confirmed cases Yes, a certificate of negative nucleic acid within 3 days is required. If there is no local confirmed case, only the green code of the health code is required. Fuzhou, Fujian People in medium- and high-risk areas propose not to return to their hometown. If they return home, devono essere messi in quarantena per 14 giorni. Those in low-risk areas only need to provide the green code of health code when they come to Fuzhou. Nanchang, Jiangxi People in medium and high-risk areas need to follow Nanchang releases on their mobile phones and travel with the health code after registration; allo stesso tempo, they need to provide a nucleic acid negative certificate within 7 days and report to the community in advance. People in low-risk areas only need health code green code and mobile phone report to pass. Shandong Jinan For people coming to Jinan from medium and high-risk areas, the “2+1+7” policy is implemented, questo è, two nucleic acid tests at 24 hours intervals; one serum antibody test; and 7-day home health monitoring. For key epidemic areas other than medium- and high-risk areas, conduct a nucleic acid test. Those who have left key areas for more than 7 days and have a negative nucleic acid test report within 7 days are deemed to be local and can no longer be tested; personnel in low-risk areas can pass through with the Shandong Health Code Green Code. Zhengzhou, Henan Persons entering Zheng from medium and high-risk areas will have their personal health codes marked as red codes, and they will all implement the measures of “centralized isolation for 14 giorni + 2 Test di acido nucleico + 1 serum test” at their own expense. If the quarantine period expires and there is no abnormality in the test results, a release form will be issued, and the personal health code will be adjusted to a green code for normal and orderly flow. If the detection result is abnormal, the control measures shall be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations. People in low-risk areas need to show the green code of the health code, no isolation, no nucleic acid test. Wuhan, Hubei Those returning to Han from medium- and high-risk areas need to be quarantined for 14 days and undergo two nucleic acid and one antibody tests. Those who return to Han for the Spring Festival in low-risk areas must hold a certificate of negative nucleic acid test within 7 giorni, have a normal body temperature and hold a health code green code and a communication itinerary card to pass. Changsha, Hunan People in high-risk areas must be quarantined for 14 giorni e sottoposti 2 Test di acido nucleico; in medium-risk areas and those who have a negative nucleic acid test within 7 days can travel normally; in low-risk areas, hold the green code of the health code. Passable. Guangzhou, Guangdong High-risk areas will be quarantined and observed for 14 giorni. During the quarantine period, COVID-19 nucleic acid testing will be done on the first and fourteenth days; medium-risk areas will be subject to home quarantine based on specific conditions, and nucleic acid testing will be performed on the day of arrival; low-risk areas will hold Yuekang code or Suikang Code green code passes, and actively report to the unit or community. Nanning, Guangxi Persons in high-risk areas must implement 14-day quarantine medical observation; persons in medium-risk areas must implement 14-day home medical observation; persons in low-risk areas, those in low-risk areas, who have no history of residence in high-risk areas within 14 giorni, hold the green code of the health code and body temperature If the test is normal, it can pass without isolation. Haikou, Hainan People in high-risk areas need 14 days of medical observation at their own expense. Persons in medium-risk areas must pass through with a valid negative nucleic acid test certificate within 7 giorni. Those without a nucleic acid test certificate need to be isolated for nucleic acid testing. People in low-risk areas need to check their body temperature, check their health codes, and check their personal activity tracks, without isolation. Chongqing Those who come from a medium-to-high risk area and need to provide a 7-day nucleic acid test negative certificate, a health code green code, and a normal body temperature. If they do not have the above information, they need to undergo a nucleic acid test locally or be isolated for 14 giorni. People in low-risk areas only need the green code of the health code to pass normally. Chengdu, Sichuan For personnel from high-risk areas to Chengdu, devono essere messi in quarantena per 14 giorni e sottoporsi a due test di acido nucleico. From low-risk areas such as Chaoyang and Shunyi District in Beijing, they need to provide a 7-day negative nucleic acid test report. If personnel from other low-risk areas only Need to hold the green code of health code and report to the community. Guiyang, Guizhou From a medium-high-risk area, 14 days of centralized isolation and 14 days of home isolation are required, E 4 nucleic acid tests are performed. Those from low-risk areas have a green health code and normal body temperature. If there is a confirmed case in your city, you need to perform a nucleic acid test once, and you cannot walk around without a result. Kunming, Yunnan People in low-risk areas who hold the green code of the health code can pass normally, and those who enter Kunming and return to Kunming in the medium-risk area and hold the green code of the health code or health certificate will be released. After the nucleic acid test is negative, it is released. People in high-risk areas will be intensively observed for 14 giorni. After two nucleic acid tests are negative, they will be released from isolation. Lhasa, Tibet To come to Lhasa from high-risk areas, you need to hold the green code of the health pass code, and hold the report of negative nucleic acid test within 3 giorni, and do the triage registration and verification itinerary. If you have entered and exited risky areas, you need to isolate; . Low-risk areas need to hold the green code of the health pass code, and have a negative nucleic acid test report within 3 giorni, and can move freely under the premise of normal temperature measurement and personal protection. Xi’an, Shaanxi From high-risk areas, report to the community (villaggio) 3 days in advance, conduct centralized isolation for 14 giorni, and carry out 2 Test di acido nucleico; In low-risk areas, actively cooperate with the 14-day health monitoring and do at least one nucleic acid test. Lanzhou People from low-risk areas to Gansu can pass through with the Gansu Green Code, while those from medium-risk areas need to have a negative nucleic acid test certificate and a green health code within 3 giorni, and stay at home for 14 giorni. High-risk areas need to be quarantined for 14 giorni, and at least 2 nucleic acid tests are required during the quarantine period. Xining, Qinghai Those who enter Nanjing in low-risk areas and have not passed through the medium and high-risk areas need to show the green health code. Those who enter Nanjing in the medium and high-risk areas and those who pass through the medium and high-risk areas need to provide the green health code, which is valid within 7 giorni. If the nucleic acid test is negative, after arriving in Xining, you need to actively report to the community or hotel and cooperate with the isolation for 14 giorni. Yinchuan, Ningxia For personnel in medium- and high-risk areas, strictly implement the verification of the negative nucleic acid test within 3 giorni, and implement 7-day home health monitoring and 2 nucleic acid testing measures. Low-risk areas rely on health codes and green codes for travel codes. Urumqi, Xinjiang Returning from Hebei and Liaoning to Urumqi needs to be quarantined; personnel returning to Urumqi from Beijing must undergo a uniform nucleic acid test after landing. Except for special personnel such as close contact, those who pass the acid test and have a history of residence in Shunyi District must be quarantined. Persons outside of Shunyi District shall be taken over by the community where they are located, signed relevant notices, and performed nucleic acid tests on time. As for whether they are isolated at home, the community will make judgments based on specific conditions. Inoltre, people returning to Uzbekistan from cities in the Heilongjiang epidemic area and Manzhouli, Mongolia interiore, also need to be quarantined. In addition to the above areas, personnel in other areas can pass normally with the green code of the clear code and health code. Allo stesso tempo, it is best to prepare a nucleic acid test certificate within 7 giorni. Inoltre, tourists including Shanghai and Tianjin can pass with the Green Code and Health Code. The quarantine regulations for Qingdao and Chengdu to come to Ukraine have been lifted. On the afternoon of January 13, the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference. At the meeting, Feng Zijian, deputy director of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that during the Spring Festival, the flow of people will increase the risk of epidemic transmission; allo stesso tempo, logistics during the Spring Festival will also increase. Under low temperature conditions, it is indeed necessary to be alert to the risk of imported cold chain food and other goods being contaminated by viruses and causing imported epidemics. In order to deal with risks, the country has deployed various measures to prevent the epidemic from rebounding this winter and next spring. The implementation of these measures can ensure that no large-scale epidemic rebound occurs. Wang Bin, the inspector of the National Health Commission’s Disease Control Bureau, said that the prevention and control of the epidemic during the Spring Festival transport is a “big test” facing the current epidemic prevention and control. To do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic during the Spring Festival transport, in fact, the most important measure is to repeatedly emphasize and repeatedly demand to implement normalized epidemic prevention and control work. To implement a series of prevention and control work in winter, the most important thing is to implement the responsibilities of the “four parties”: one is to implement territorial responsibilities, the other is to implement departmental responsibilities, the third is to implement unit responsibilities, and the fourth is to implement individual responsibilities. It is appealed to the general public to try their best to avoid unnecessary trips during the Spring Festival. If they must travel, they must pay attention to traffic and tourism information. Allo stesso tempo, they must pay attention to the peak travel, take care of the whole process, and try to avoid going to crowded places.