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Raccolta del campione di DNA su tampone buccale

Raccolta del campione di DNA su tampone buccale

DNA sample collection tool Buccal swab DNA samples collected can be quickly and efficiently extracted oral epithelial cells for the forensic science DNA testing and DNA database construction provides a standardized standard, facile da usare, strumenti di raccolta dei campioni di DNA a basso costo per migliorare il tasso di successo del test. Medico® oral buccal swab is an important tool for DNA sample collection
Raccolta di campioni di tampone faringeo di importanza Linchuan

Raccolta di campioni di tampone faringeo di importanza Linchuan

Linchuan significance Pharynx swab are made with medical swabs, dipping a small amount of secretions from the throat of the human body. The samples taken are throat swabs. In order to test the types of respiratory diseases, throat swabs can be used to detect the virus type quickly and accurately. Pharynx swab secretions were detected in pathogens, then as respiratory
To investigate the oral swab routine bacteria

To investigate the oral swab routine bacteria

Discussion on Bacterial oral swab study There are many kinds of bacteria in the mouth of the human body. The normal flora of the oral area plays a certain role in maintaining the normal and normal function of the host. Tuttavia, some bacteria in normal flora can also cause diseases when the host’s general resistance and local immunity are low. …
Object surface sampling method

Object surface sampling method

surface sampling Surface sampling occurs when outbreaks of nosocomial infections 1 Sampling time to choose within 4H after disinfection sampling 2 With 5cm × 5cm standard sterilization specifications plate, on the surface of the object being seized, requiring an area ≥ 100cm2, continuous sampling 4. 3 A sampling swab soaked with sterile 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) sample solution was swabbed back and forth
Comparison of efficacy of chlorhexidine alcohol and povidone-iodine in surgical disinfection

Comparison of efficacy of chlorhexidine alcohol and povidone-iodine in surgical disinfection

chlorhexidine alcohol disinfection swab US researchers to complete the study of the role of chlorhexidine alcohol and povidone-iodine in surgical incision disinfection completed a study published in NEnglJMed magazine Research object: Eighty-nine patients randomized to clean and contaminated surgery in six hospitals were divided into two groups according to the type of disinfectant they received: chlorhexidine alcohol (/ 1 = …
Use of flock swab extract card to crack the series of theft

Use of flock swab extract card to crack the series of theft

DNA extraction method In the criminal cases, the majority of theft cases have the characteristics of high incidence and low detection rate, and the anti-reconnaissance consciousness of criminals is gradually increasing. At times of committing crimes, shoe covers, gloves and headgear are often used to bring about some difficulties in field evidence collection . For cases of theft on balconies, …
Preoperative chlorhexidine disinfection to prevent infection

Preoperative chlorhexidine disinfection to prevent infection

Dextrose Chlorhexidine Skin Disinfection Surgery will inevitably bring the operation site skin and tissue damage, when the surgical incision microbial contamination to a certain extent, the occurrence of surgical site infection occurs SSI not only affect the effectiveness of disease treatment, increase patient pain and financial burden, but also serious Affect the patient’s prognosis. Neurosurgery is one of the high
Throat swabs can be used for sampling bacterial contamination monitoring equipment

Throat swabs can be used for sampling bacterial contamination monitoring equipment

Throat swabs can be used for sampling bacterial contamination monitoring equipment Bacteria are widespread in the environment, and medical equipment is no exception. In order to reduce the nosocomial infection, need to monitor the pollution of equipment and instruments, but also need to monitor the effectiveness of disinfection and sterilization equipment. Correct sampling is to ensure that the monitoring results
Study on Extraction of Trace Biomarkers from Different Vectors by Flocking Swabs and Cotton Swabs

Study on Extraction of Trace Biomarkers from Different Vectors by Flocking Swabs and Cotton Swabs

Study on Extraction of Trace Biomarkers from Different Vectors by Flocking Swabs and Cotton Swabs Objective To compare the effect of the Medico flocking Swabs and cotton swab on extracting trace DNA . Methods Three kinds of pre—decontaminated carriersglassscrewdriver and drawer’S handlewere used to contact volunteers’hands and 9 pairs of samples of human trace DNA (fi ngerprints on glassexfoliated cells
New medical disposable cell sampling swab

New medical disposable cell sampling swab

cell sampling swab New medical disposable cell sampling swab, especially for pathological sampling. Infatti, ordinary cotton swab is also used to collect epithelial cells of the pathogen part of the specimen, and then used for bacterial pathology and pathogen detection analysis, but the common cotton swab head with poor fastness, easy to fall off, sterilization is also very troublesome, …
Rapid Detection of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae by Throat Swab Rapid Cultures

Rapid Detection of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae by Throat Swab Rapid Cultures

Clinical study mycoplasma pneumonia quick throat swab culture At present, the detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection mainly P C R detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae D N A, serum IgM antibody detection, rapid throat swab Mycoplasma culture. P C R detection Mycoplasma pneumoniae D N A diagnosis of fast, sensitive, high specificity, can be used for early diagnosis, but this method
Carcinoma rinofaringeo (NP) e i campioni uretrali sono stati campionati come tamponi

Carcinoma rinofaringeo (NP) e i campioni uretrali sono stati campionati come tamponi

Flocked swab features 1, ergonomic and anatomical design 2, superior sample elution 3, rapid absorption (improved sample collection 4, improve the detection sensitivity 5, simply collect, advance and ship 6, quantitative volume transfer 7, vertical nylon fiber 8, register for free inhibitors and interference 9, highly suitable for automation Medico’s sampling swabs (tamponi nasofaringei, urethral swabs, cell swabs) are an
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    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

    ragnatela: www.medicoswab.com

    Numero di telefono: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com