Le autorità sanitarie cinesi hanno adottato test raggruppati più rapidi per il coronavirus che consentono ai laboratori professionali di elaborare i dati 20 campioni alla volta.
Le tecniche di testing aggiornate, sulla base della pratica attuale di metterne cinque o 10 tampone samples together and testing as one, mirano ad aumentare notevolmente l’efficienza dei test antivirus, ha affermato la task force interagenzia del Consiglio di Stato COVID 19 response.
The new testing approach will be introduced across the country while ensuring quality results, ha detto.
The task force has issued guidelines on the updated techniques, specifying requirements for sample collection, magazzinaggio, laboratory processing, and disposal of post-test samples, tra gli altri.
Mass testing has been a common practice in China’s containment of domestically transmitted resurgence of COVID-19. In Tianjin’s latest coronavirus wave, the municipality of 13.9 million people that neighbors Beijing conducted three rounds of citywide mass testing in one week since the infections with the highly infectious Omicron variant were first reported on Jan 8.
The city has seen a drop in the number of infections, con 14 new locally transmitted cases reported Tuesday.
Fonte: Xinhua