» Notizie del settore » China Has 13 Vaccini COVID-19 disponibili per il secondo richiamo

La Cina ha 13 Vaccini COVID-19 disponibili per il secondo richiamo


PECHINO — Un totale di 13 tipi di vaccini COVID-19, approvato per la commercializzazione condizionata o l'uso in caso di emergenza, sono ora disponibili come seconda dose di richiamo in Cina, secondo gli esperti della task force interagenzia del Consiglio di Stato per la risposta al COVID-19.

Nella scelta della seconda dose di richiamo si preferiscono i vaccini resistenti all’omicron, said experts with the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism against COVID-19.

As of Friday, più di 3.46 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered on the Chinese mainland, con oltre 90 percent of the population fully vaccinated.

The level of antibodies will drop over time after vaccination, hanno detto gli esperti, adding that virus mutations also lead to strengthened immune evasion, making antibodies less effective.

Studies show that getting a booster jab can activate the immunological memory cells in the subject’s body and increase the antibody levels, so as to further consolidate the prevention of severe illness and death, hanno detto gli esperti.

They suggested eligible people who have not received a booster shot should get one as soon as possible to get better protection against the virus.

Population groups with a high risk of infection, people aged 60 e sopra, people with serious underlying health conditions, and those with low immunity are advised to receive a second booster shot six months after the first one.

Those who have received three doses of inactivated vaccines can choose a different type of vaccinerecommended by the governmentfor the second booster, namely a recombinant protein vaccine, an adenovirus vector vaccine or an influenza virus vector vaccine, according to the experts.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has conducted monitoring of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines based on over 3.4 billion inoculations administered to over 1.3 miliardi di persone.

The monitoring results showed that the incidence rate of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines is similar to those of other common vaccines, and that the incidence rate of adverse reactions for the elderly is slightly lower than that of young people.


Fonte: Quotidiano cinese

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