» Notizie del settore » Cervical Screening Self – Campionamento: Un passo – di – Guida ai passaggi

Auto-screening cervicale – Campionamento: Un passo – di – Guida ai passaggi


La salute cervicale è della massima importanza per le donne, e lo screening regolare gioca un ruolo cruciale. In alcuni casi, potresti essere in grado di raccogliere il tuo campione vaginale per lo screening cervicale. Ecco una guida dettagliata per aiutarti durante il processo.

Before Starting

Your healthcare provider will ensure your privacy during the sample collection process. You’ll be provided with a private space, like behind a screen or in a bathroom. You’ll then receive a sample collection package that contains a vaginal sampling swab.
Before opening the package, it’s essential to identify the two ends of the swab. One end (Tip A) is for you to hold, and the other end (Tip B) is for taking the sample. If you’re not sure, don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider. Make sure your hands are clean and dry. Get into a comfortable position and lower your underwear.

Preparing the Swab

Carefully twist the cap and take the swab out of the packaging. Be extremely cautious not to touch Tip B as it will be inserted into your body for the sample. Once you’ve removed the swab, don’t place it down anywhere to avoid contamination.

Inserting the Swab

Use one of your hands to gently move the skin folds at the entrance of your vagina. Poi, carefully insert Tip B of the swab a few centimeters into your vagina. Some swabs may have a line or mark indicating the appropriate insertion depth.

Taking the Sample

Rotate the swab gently in any direction for 10 – 30 secondi. You may experience a bit of discomfort during this process, but it should not cause pain.

Storing the Sample

While still holding Tip A, slowly and gently remove the swab from your vagina. Place the swab back into the packaging with Tip B going in first. Screw the cap back on. After that, get dressed and return the package to your healthcare provider.

Sending the Sample

The sample you collected will be sent to a pathology laboratory for HPV testing. The test results will be communicated to your healthcare provider.
If HPV is detected in the sample, you’ll need to visit your healthcare provider again. They may collect a sample from your cervix, or you might be referred to a specialist for further tests.


It’s important to note that this guide is for informational purposes only. There may be differences between the selfcollection swab described here and the one your healthcare provider or laboratory uses. If you have any questions about the selfcollection process, always consult your healthcare provider. By following these steps carefully, you can contribute to the early detection and prevention of potential cervical issues.

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