

Applicazione del tampone campione floccato in nylon  – applicazione di rilevamento molecolare

Applicazione del tampone campione floccato in nylon – applicazione di rilevamento molecolare

Molecular detection application With the advent of molecular detection, i test diagnostici clinici sono sempre più quantificati. Tuttavia, la raccolta e la conservazione dei campioni biologici è fondamentalmente considerata un'analisi qualitativa, trascuratezza o sottovalutazione. Perciò, è un'innovazione rivoluzionaria utilizzare il processo di floccaggio di CFT nell'adozione di attrezzature, which has revolutionized the collection of biological samples and the

New arrival CHG chlorhexidine preoperative disinfection applicator

New arrival CHG chlorhexidine preoperative disinfection applicator

  According to the Ministry of healthhospital disinfection technology standardthat can be used for skin disinfection disinfectant is mainly alcohol, iodine, chlorhexidine preparations. Through laboratory testing and certification: comparison with disinfectant is widely on the market: chlorhexidine disinfectant is a safe and effective skin disinfectant, can be widely used in clinical application. Chlorhexidine can usually be combined with

Tamponi per campionamento di virus e batteri

Tamponi per campionamento di virus e batteri

Nylon flocking swab The advantages of Medico Nylon flocking swab: veloce, semplice ed economico. Caratteristiche del prodotto: UN. testa di tampone: Riblinarsi di nylon (una fibra sintetica artificiale) è costruito per evitare l'effetto inibitorio del cotone comune sulla crescita di batteri e virus; Per campionamento rinofaringeo, Campionamento orale del DNA e campionamento fecale, eccetera., it can increase the amount of specimen collection

È affidabile estrarre il DNA dai tamponi orali nei test genici?

È affidabile estrarre il DNA dai tamponi orali nei test genici?

Oral swabs Oral swab sampling is the best and easiest way to collect DNA samples from painless, safe and hygienic methods. If done properly, the sample size obtained is sufficient. The sample steps are as follows: 1. Before sampling Please don’t eat anything 30 minuti prima del campionamento. If you smoke, rinse your mouth with water before sampling. 2. Sampling of

The results of different sampling swabs on chlamydial antigen detection

The results of different sampling swabs on chlamydial antigen detection

Genital Chlamydia trachomatis It is a common sexually transmitted disease pathogens, once the infection can cause a variety of diseases, especially for women hurt much. Can cause urethritis. Cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, can be complicated by infertility. In the clinical development of more concealed, the patient infected and not know, can last a year to several years.Therefore, the diagnosis of

Nasal swab sample collection

Nasal swab sample collection

Nasal swab Will be a polypropylene plastic rod nylon fiber head of the flocking swab gently inserted into the nasal palatal nasal palate,stay for a moment and slowly turn the nasal swab and slowly exit. Take another nasal swab of the nylon fiber head in the same way to collect the other side of the nasal palate.And then immersed in

When the child can do DNA paternity test?

When the child can do DNA paternity test?

DNA paternity test DNA paternity test is the use of medical, biological and genetic theory and technology, from the generation and the parental morphology or physiological function of similar characteristics, analysis of genetic characteristics, To determine whether the relationship between parents and their children is a biological relationship. DNA paternity test no age limit, whether it is prenatal fetus, newborn

Nylon Buccal DNA sampling swab

Nylon Buccal DNA sampling swab

Buccal DNA Flocked Swabs At present, our forensic doctors from the crime scene through the DNA detection of criminals to determine who is the suspect, this collection of DNA samples is the use of Buccal DNA Flocked Swabs, they are generally from the blood, saliva or fingerprints to collect specimens, Different sampling swab collection effect is different, their gap

flocking sample swab brochure

flocking sample swab brochure

flocking sampling swab brochure Product nameDisposable use of medical nylon flocking sample swab Product CategoriesDisposable medical supplies AliasMedico Flocked swabs UseFor sampling, the collection release of up to 90% or more product descriptionMedico Co.Ltd company’s medical nylon flocking sampling swab is the international medical sampling supplies in the new products. The nylon flocking sample swab consists of a

Come utilizzare i tamponi orali?

Come utilizzare i tamponi orali?

Introduction of oral swabs In the use of Medico oral swab should pay attention to packaging signs, to check whether the packaging is damaged, such as damaged, is strictly prohibited. This sampling method is suitable for DNA sample collection in any age group. Step up: Fare un passo 1: prepare a cup of water, drink about 50 ml of water to wash the

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs?

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs?

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs feature: 1 Ergonomia e design anatomico 2 Improve patient comfort and cell sample collection efficiency. 3 Excellent sample elution 4 Using an open fibrous structure, it immediately removes the sample cells into the liquid medium, 5 Unlike traditional wound swabs, when the sample is caught in the mattress core. 6 Rapid absorption (improved sample

2018 Tampone di campionamento sterile monouso della migliore qualità

2018 Tampone di campionamento sterile monouso della migliore qualità

Tampone per prelievo sterile monouso Produzione medico professionale di tampone per prelievo sterile monouso, ci sono molti tipi di prodotti, ci sono i tamponi nasofaringei, tampone di prelievo orale, spazzola cervicale ginecologica, tampone per campionamento genetico Le applicazioni del prodotto includono il campionamento medico del DNA, campionamento orale, test antivirus, prelievo nasofaringeo, campionamento batterico virale, campionamento di laboratorio, campionamento genetico, test di prelievo ginecologico. Medico Medical Tampone floccato per campionamento Per questo motivo: …


    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

    ragnatela: www.medicoswab.com

    Numero di telefono: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com