

2019 Covid-19 italiano

2019 Covid-19 italiano

Gli studi hanno dimostrato che il COVID-19 si è diffuso in Italia la scorsa estate. Lo riferisce l'Italian Evening Post del 15, un recente studio dell’Istituto Nazionale Tumori di Milano ha dimostrato che sono stati rilevati anticorpi anti-COVID-19 nei campioni di sangue raccolti dai residenti a settembre 2019, il che significa che il COVID-19 si è diffuso in Italia molto prima rispetto a febbraio di quest’anno, …

Biden: I will not hesitate to get the new crown vaccine

Biden: I will not hesitate to get the new crown vaccine

Biden: I will not hesitate to get the new crown vaccine The number of confirmed cases of the new crown in the United States exceeds 11.51 milioni! Biden: I will not hesitate to get the new crown vaccine According to real-time statistics from Worldometers, as of 3:15 pm on Monday (novembre 16), the number of confirmed cases of the new

Due to exposure to a positive patient with the new crown

Due to exposure to a positive patient with the new crown

Due to exposure to a positive patient with the new crown, British Prime Minister Johnson is self-isolating People’s Daily Overseas Network According to a news released by the Prime Minister’s Office on November 15 ora locale, British Prime Minister Johnson is in self-isolation, due to exposure to a positive patient with the new crown. Johnson was notified by the British

I tamponi prelevati dai campioni dell'imballaggio esterno della passera sono risultati positivi all'acido nucleico

I tamponi prelevati dai campioni dell'imballaggio esterno della passera sono risultati positivi all'acido nucleico

Swabs of flounder outer packaging samples tested positive for nucleic acid Source: Tonight Swabs of flounder outer packaging samples tested positive for nucleic acid. Gli esperti del CDC di Tianjin sono andati sul posto per guidare lo smaltimento. Sintesi: Alla 152a conferenza stampa sulla prevenzione e il controllo della nuova epidemia di polmonite coronarica di Tianjin tenutasi ieri sera, GuQing, deputy

Biden’s COVID-19 Consultant Suggested Sealing The Country For 4 To 6 Weeks

Biden’s COVID-19 Consultant Suggested Sealing The Country For 4 To 6 Weeks

The epidemic has accelerated in the United States. Biden COVID-19 consultant suggested that the country be closed for 4 A 6 settimane. Despite the recent good news about COVID-19 vaccine, it will take time tosave the economy”. Nel frattempo, the latest epidemic in the United States is accelerating. Michael Osterholm, COVID-19 consultant of Joe Biden and director of the Center

NOI. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day

NOI. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day

NOI. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day The epidemic has worsened, election disputes, NOI. newly diagnosed 180,000 new crown swabs in a single day. The United States has recently become the focus of global attention. NOI. expert: The uncontrolled epidemic in the United States is like a massacre The latest statistics released by Johns Hopkins University

The French epidemic ushered in an inflection point, and current restrictions are not relaxed

The French epidemic ushered in an inflection point, and current restrictions are not relaxed

The French epidemic ushered in an inflection point, and current restrictions are not relaxed According to thr Overseas Network: The French epidemic ushered in an inflection point, and current restrictions are not relaxed French Prime Minister Jean Castel introduced the situation of the French epidemic at a press conference on the 12th, saying: The French epidemic has ushered in an

Restaurants Are Hot Spots In COVID-19

Restaurants Are Hot Spots In COVID-19

The new model reveals that restaurants arehot spotsin COVID-19. In cities around the world, virus outbreaks often occur in crowded areas such as restaurants, cafes and gyms. Ora, the crowd activity map drawn by mobile phone data shows that most COVID-19 infections in American cities may be related to these places. This new model, published in Nature on

Tientsin: Recentemente, The Infection Route Of Local Cases Points To From Things To People

Tientsin: Recentemente, The Infection Route Of Local Cases Points To From Things To People

On November 7th, Dezhou City, Shandong Province detected positive SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid on the package of imported cold chain products. On November 8th, a new cold storage stevedore in Tianjin tested positive for nucleic acid, which was a confirmed case in COVID-19. On November 9th, an asymptomatic patient was added to Tianjin, who was a truck driver and went to

Il suicidio è la causa della morte del volontario brasiliano per il vaccino New Crown

Il suicidio è la causa della morte del volontario brasiliano per il vaccino New Crown

Secondo le notizie del People's Daily: Il suicidio è la causa della morte del volontario brasiliano per il vaccino New Crown, molti partiti suggeriscono di riprendere i test Il sito di notizie brasiliano "G1" ha affermato il 10 che dopo il test clinico di Coronavac, un nuovo vaccino contro il coronavirus sviluppato da Beijing Kexing Biological Co., srl. e l'Istituto brasiliano Butantan, è stato sospeso, la nazionale …

Entro 48 Ore, Nove ambasciate cinesi hanno emesso avvisi urgenti

Entro 48 Ore, Nove ambasciate cinesi hanno emesso avvisi urgenti

Sebbene la Cina abbia controllato l’epidemia per la prima volta, l’epidemia di COVID-19 continua a diffondersi, e il mondo si trova ad affrontare una nuova ondata di crisi. Entro 48 ore, nove ambasciate cinesi in Russia, India, Francia, Gran Bretagna, le Filippine, Ucraina, Bangladesh, Italia e Belgio hanno emesso avvisi per sospendere l'ingresso di persone provenienti da questi paesi con visto cinese. Titolari di …

A Case Of Shanghai-related COVID-19 Pneumonia Confirmed In Fuyang, Anhui Province

A Case Of Shanghai-related COVID-19 Pneumonia Confirmed In Fuyang, Anhui Province

A case of Shanghai-related COVID-19 pneumonia was confirmed in Fuyang, Anhui Province and worked at Pudong Airport. n November 10th, a case of pneumonia in COVID-19 was confirmed in Yingshang County of our city. The patient Lan was a close contact with Wang Moumou, a confirmed case of pneumonia in COVID-19 reported by Shanghai on November 9th. At 00: 00 …


    Medico Technology Co., srl. è un produttore professionale di forniture mediche in Cina, produciamo e vendiamo tamponi floccati in nylon, Kit VTM, kit per la raccolta della saliva e tampone CHG & applicatore.


    Indirizzo: Camera 201, 301 E 401 Edificio A n.10, Bao lunga quinta strada, Comunità Tongle, Balong Street, Distretto di Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina.

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    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com