MEDICO Stool Collection Cup
To collect a stool sample using a stool collection cup, you will need to follow a few steps. The exact procedure may vary depending on the specific collection cup or stool collection kit provided by your healthcare provider. Here are the general steps:
How to Collect the Stool Sample
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before collecting the sample to avoid contamination.
- If your healthcare provider has provided a plastic holder or “hat”, place it on the rim of the toilet bowl and close the seat to secure it in place. Alternatively, you can use a shallow, clean pan or plastic wrap to catch the sample.
- Have a bowel movement as usual. Try not to pee on the stool or in the collection device as urine can contaminate the sample.
- Using the scoop or spoon provided with the collection cup, place 2-3 small scoopfuls of stool into the specimen cup(s). If you have been provided with a container that has a red line and liquid on the inside, put in enough stool to raise the liquid to the level of the red line. If not, aim for a sample approximately the size of a grape. Be sure to collect stool from different parts of the bowel movement to ensure an accurate sample.
- Dispose of the collection device in a trash bag. Do not flush the hat or plastic wrap as it could clog your toilet. Tie the trash bag in a knot and throw it away in an outside garbage can.
- Label the container with your name, date, and time of collection.
After You Collect the Stool Sample
Store the biohazard bag with your stool sample at room temperature. Bring it to a lab within 24 hours of collecting the sample, and store it in the fridge if you cannot return it to your healthcare provider in time.