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What do we need to know about a DNA/RNA virus transport medium?

What do we need to know about a DNA/RNA virus transport medium?

Remarks: 1. It is forbidden to directly contact the sampling liquid with the collected personnel. 2. It is forbidden to soak swab with sampling liquid before sampling. 3. This product is a secondary product, which is only used for the collection, transportation and preservation of clinical virus specimens, and shall not be used beyond the intended use. 4. The product

The use of DNA/RNA extraction kits

The use of DNA/RNA extraction kits

If we gonna know what is the exactly use of DNA/RNA extraction kits,we need to know the principle of DNA/RNA extraction. DNA extraction is divided into three basic steps, and the specific methods of each step can be different according to the types of samples, substances affecting extraction and subsequent steps. 1. Crushing cells by grinding or ultrasound, and removing

  • हमारे बारे में

    मेडिको टेक्नोलॉजी कंपनी, लिमिटेड. चीन में चिकित्सा आपूर्ति की एक पेशेवर निर्माता है, हम नायलॉन फ्लॉक स्वैब का उत्पादन और बिक्री करते हैं, वीटीएम किट, लार संग्रह किट और सीएचजी स्वैब & ऐप्लिकेटर.

  • संपर्क करें

    पता: कमरा 201, 301 और 401 बिल्डिंग ए नंबर 10, बाओ लंबी 5 वीं सड़क, टोंगल समुदाय, बाओलोंग स्ट्रीट, लोंगगैंग जिला,शेन्ज़ेन, गुआंग्डोंग, चीन.

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