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Vaccination to achieve herd immunity, rigorous controls helpful for countering Delta variant

Vaccination to achieve herd immunity, rigorous controls helpful for countering Delta variant

A medical worker prepares a dose of COVID-19 vaccine at the Universal Studios Hollywood in Los Angeles, California, the United States, June 18, 2021.(Photo: सिन्हुआ ने) China is not the only country fighting against the mutated variant of the SARS-CoV-2, which emerged late last year and began to rampage in recent days as more countries like the US and Singapore revised

Herd immunity is neither scientific

Herd immunity is neither scientific

UN News, October 13th, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference in Geneva today that there have been some recent discussions about the concept of so-calledherd immunitythrough the spread of the virus, but this There are problems in science and ethics, and it is definitely not a viable option. Tan Desai said that

  • हमारे बारे में

    मेडिको टेक्नोलॉजी कंपनी, लिमिटेड. चीन में चिकित्सा आपूर्ति की एक पेशेवर निर्माता है, हम नायलॉन फ्लॉक स्वैब का उत्पादन और बिक्री करते हैं, वीटीएम किट, लार संग्रह किट और सीएचजी स्वैब & ऐप्लिकेटर.

  • संपर्क करें

    पता: कमरा 201, 301 और 401 बिल्डिंग ए नंबर 10, बाओ लंबी 5 वीं सड़क, टोंगल समुदाय, बाओलोंग स्ट्रीट, लोंगगैंग जिला,शेन्ज़ेन, गुआंग्डोंग, चीन.

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