» कंपनी समाचार » Infant infected with nasal swab pneumonia in mother and child care center

मातृ एवं शिशु देखभाल केंद्र में नाक के स्वाब निमोनिया से संक्रमित शिशु


Some babies in a maternal and child care center were diagnosed with pneumonia with nasal swab

World Wide Web

स्रोत: शेनयांग हुआंगगु खाद्य सुरक्षा

A baby infected with nasal swab pneumonia in a maternal and child care center in Shenyang, स्थानीय शहर पर्यवेक्षण ब्यूरो: it has ceased operations

According to the WeChat official account of “शेनयांग हुआंगगु खाद्य सुरक्षा”: फरवरी को 3, 2021, Huanggu District Market Supervision and Administration received a report from the 12345 platform about the inadequate daily care of mothers and babies in the Xinxiangyue Time Maternal and Child Care Center. Complaints that caused some babies to be infected with pneumonia. After receiving the complaint, the District Market Supervision Administration, in conjunction with the District Health Bureau and other industry management departments, immediately formed a working group to carry out investigations, and the District Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted nucleic acid tests on relevant personnel, and the test results were all negative.

जांच के बाद, it is true that some babies in the Xinxiangyue Time Maternal and Child Care Center were infected with pneumonia, and the sick babies have been sent to the hospital for treatment. वर्तमान में, Xinxiangyue Time Maternal and Child Care Center has been temporarily closed. The District Center for Disease Control and Prevention will eliminate the Xinxiangyue Time Maternal and Child Care Center, and the District Market Supervision Administration will actively negotiate with the Xinxiangyue Time Maternal and Child Care Center in accordance with relevant regulations.

मातृ एवं शिशु देखभाल केंद्र में नाक के स्वाब निमोनिया से संक्रमित शिशु मातृ एवं शिशु देखभाल केंद्र में नाक के स्वाब निमोनिया से संक्रमित शिशु

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  • हमारे बारे में

    मेडिको टेक्नोलॉजी कंपनी, लिमिटेड. चीन में चिकित्सा आपूर्ति की एक पेशेवर निर्माता है, हम नायलॉन फ्लॉक स्वैब का उत्पादन और बिक्री करते हैं, वीटीएम किट, लार संग्रह किट और सीएचजी स्वैब & ऐप्लिकेटर.

  • संपर्क करें

    पता: कमरा 201, 301 और 401 बिल्डिंग ए नंबर 10, बाओ लंबी 5 वीं सड़क, टोंगल समुदाय, बाओलोंग स्ट्रीट, लोंगगैंग जिला,शेन्ज़ेन, गुआंग्डोंग, चीन.

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