उपयुक्त वायरस परिवहन माध्यम का चयन(वीटीएम) वायरल आरएनए की अखंडता को संरक्षित करने और सटीक परीक्षण परिणाम सुनिश्चित करने में महत्वपूर्ण है. दो प्रकार के वीटीएम आमतौर पर उपयोग किए जाते हैं – नॉन-इनएक्टिव और निष्क्रिय. इस आलेख में, हम चर्चा करेंगे कि आपकी आवश्यकताओं के लिए सही वायरस परिवहन माध्यम कैसे चुनें.

Inactivated Virus Transport Medium
It is mainly a virus lysis type preservation solution improved by nucleic acid extraction lysis solution. The high concentration of guanidine salt in the sample can effectively inactivate the virus, which can effectively prevent the operator from secondary infection, but it also contains Rnase inhibitor, which can protect the viral nucleic acid from being degraded, so that the subsequent detection by NT-PCR can be performed. . इसके अतिरिक्त, it can be stored at room temperature for a relatively long time, which saves the cost of virus sample storage and transportation.
Non-inactivated Virus Transport Medium
It is mainly a virus maintenance liquid type preservation solution improved on the basis of the transport medium. It can preserve the activity of the virus in vitro and the integrity of antigens and nucleic acids, protect the viral protein coat from being easily decomposed, और वायरस सैंपल की मौलिकता को काफी हद तक बनाए रखें. न्यूक्लिक एसिड निष्कर्षण और पता लगाने के अलावा, this preservation solution can also be used for virus culture, एकांत, and antigen detection, वगैरह।, but long-term storage after sampling requires strict low temperature.
Regardless of whether it is an inactivated type or a non-inactivated type, the virus sampling tube before sampling must be strictly inactivated and sterilized to ensure that there are no other microorganisms in the tube, which may cause the virus to decompose or other influences after sampling and cause false detection. स्वाब सैंपलिंग के बाद, if a collection tool or preservation solution of poor quality is used, it will affect the subsequent test results and even cause misdiagnosis. इसलिए, you must choose a virus sampling tube produced by a professionally qualified manufacturer.