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ओरल स्वैब का उपयोग कैसे करें?

ओरल स्वैब का उपयोग कैसे करें?

Introduction of oral swabs In the use of Medico oral swab should pay attention to packaging signs, यह जांचने के लिए कि पैकेजिंग क्षतिग्रस्त है या नहीं, जैसे क्षतिग्रस्त, सख्त वर्जित है. यह नमूनाकरण विधि किसी भी आयु वर्ग में डीएनए नमूना संग्रह के लिए उपयुक्त है. आगे आना: कदम 1: एक कप पानी तैयार करें, के बारे में पियें 50 ml of water to wash the

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs?

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs?

Why cell sample collection requires flocking swabs feature: 1 एर्गोनॉमिक्स और एनाटोमिकल डिजाइन 2 Improve patient comfort and cell sample collection efficiency. 3 Excellent sample elution 4 Using an open fibrous structure, it immediately removes the sample cells into the liquid medium, 5 Unlike traditional wound swabs, when the sample is caught in the mattress core. 6 Rapid absorption (improved sample

2018 Best quality disposable sterile sampling swab

2018 Best quality disposable sterile sampling swab

Disposable sterile sampling swab Medico professional production of disposable sterile sampling swab, there are many types of products, there are nasopharyngeal swabs, मौखिक नमूना स्वाब, gynecological cervical brush, gene sampling swab Product applications include medical DNA sampling, मौखिक नमूनाकरण, वायरस परीक्षण, नासॉफिरिन्जियल नमूनाकरण, virus bacterial sampling, प्रयोगशाला नमूनाकरण, जीन नमूनाकरण, gynecological sampling test. Medico Medical Sampling Flocking Swab Because of it: …

Forensic Collection System DNA 4N6 Manufacturer

Forensic Collection System DNA 4N6 Manufacturer

Forensic Collection System Flocked swabs Flocked swabs are ideal for collecting large amount of cells and rapid elution of the specimens instantlyrelease the cells into the transport medium. It is well recognized and adopted by the diagnostic test kit manufacturers who produce reagents in molecular genetics, फोरेंसिक, नैदानिक ​​प्रयोगशालाओं क्षेत्रों. Utilising state of the art “ spray ontechnology ” the flocking

DNA System Forensic Flocked Swab Supplier

DNA System Forensic Flocked Swab Supplier

DNA System Forensic Flocked Swab MFS-98000 The latest generation of DNA sample collection tools, especially for contact with DNA, trace DNA material collection MFS-98000 patented technology nylon fiber flocking filling technology, the bottom of the base of the nylon fiber structure, this structure to maximize the efficiency of DNA collection and elution, and the traditional cotton swab or fiber swab

TOC sampling rods

TOC sampling rods

TOC sampling rods TOC sampling rods three-piece, including broken head flocking fiber sampling rod, transparent bottle, clean label. Sampling rods are sampled in different areas of the production environment and can be directly broken and stored in the corresponding vials. This suit makes TOC’s clean inspection work easier and more effective and avoids the chance of cross-infection in traditional ways. …

Throat sampling swab wholesale

Throat sampling swab wholesale

Flocking swab wholesale Shenzhen Medico Technology Co., लिमिटेड. professional production of disposable medical sampling swab, such as virus sampling swab, cervical sampling swab, throat sampling swab, nasal sampling swab, मौखिक नमूना स्वाब, women’s virus sampling brush, gynecological cervical sampling brush, संरक्षण समाधान, skin external applicator, microbial sampling holding, vaginal sampling and other one-time products. Two kinds of throat sampling swab

Quantitative Detection Of Viruses And Bacterial Diseases Using Q-PCR Using Medico’s Sample Swabs

Quantitative Detection Of Viruses And Bacterial Diseases Using Q-PCR Using Medico’s Sample Swabs

Quantitative detection of viruses and bacterial diseases using Q-PCR using Medico’s sample swabs Medico Technology has an advanced laboratory to develop ever-expanding transport media equipment. Sampling swab is Medtec’s second transport media device launched in 2016. This liquid has long been approved for transporting bacteria to the laboratory for long periods of time. आज, technology is increasingly dependent on microbial

Disposable Sampling Flocked Sticks-Precautions

Disposable Sampling Flocked Sticks-Precautions

Disposable Sampling Flocked Sticks-Precautions MEDICO disposable sampling flocked Sticks is made of nylon staple fiber fluff and medical grade ABS plastic rod. The role of nylon staple fibers is like a soft brush that can effectively improve the collection of cell material; the capillary movement between fibers forms a powerful hydraulic pressure, जो तरल नमूने को निगलता है; the sample is

The advantages of the virus sample swab

The advantages of the virus sample swab

The advantages of the virus sample swab Virus sampling swab: for the flu, स्वाइन फ्लू, avian flu, हाथ, foot and mouth and other respiratory and intestinal virus nasal and throat sampling. product composition: ⑴ nylon flocking. Third, the product features: ① the use of international and convenient sterilization of the Zhisu packaging. ② γ-ray sterilization, to ensure that sterile.

Disposable Flocking Nylon Swabs

Disposable Flocking Nylon Swabs

Disposable Flocking nylon swabs New medical flocking nylon swabs, the use of international advanced technology, innovative nylon fiber technology with high-tech spray technology made. Advanced process technology to create a sample collection head to improve the patient’s comfort, especially in contact with the human body is not sensitive parts of the pain, lifted the pain generated, while the skin and

नायलॉन के झुंड वाले स्वैब डीएनए निष्कर्षण और जीनोटाइपिंग रिलीज में सुधार कर सकते हैं

नायलॉन के झुंड वाले स्वैब डीएनए निष्कर्षण और जीनोटाइपिंग रिलीज में सुधार कर सकते हैं

नायलॉन के झुंड वाले स्वैब, this new generation of swabs have a sample size that is particularly sensitive with a high sensitivity and is ideal for sample collection Sample collection is a critical step in clinical and forensic applications, and problems may arise in the test due to the lack of sufficient samples for all the necessary tests The new nylon flocked

  • श्रेणियाँ

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  • टैग

    स्त्री रोग स्वाब वैक्यूम रक्त संग्रह ट्यूब रक्त संग्रहण ट्यूब परिवहन माध्यम चिकित्सा सफाई झाड़ू न्यूक्लिक एसिड परीक्षण वायरस परिवहन माध्यम डीएनए नमूना संग्रह स्वाब कोविड-19 परीक्षण COVID-19 वायरस सैंपलिंग ट्यूब चिकित्सक महामारी सीएचजी एप्लीकेटर नाक का स्वाब सैंपलिंग ट्यूब सैंपलिंग स्वाब सरवाइकल ब्रश मौखिक स्वाब नासॉफिरिन्जियल स्वैब बाँझ झाड़ू कंठ फाहा झुंड झाड़ू पट्टी निर्वात पम्प ट्यूब ओरोफरीन्जियल स्वैब मेडिकल स्वाब नमूना ट्यूब फोम झाड़ू नॉवल कोरोना वाइरस न्यूक्लिक एसिड टेस्ट कीटाणुनाशक ऐप्लिकेटर वीटीएम किट लार कलेक्टर नमूना संग्रह ट्यूब योनि झाड़ू टीका नासॉफिरिन्जियल स्वाब ग्रीवा झाड़ू सूती पोंछा एचपीवी नमूना संग्रहण चीन ऐप्लिकेटर
  • हमारे बारे में

    मेडिको टेक्नोलॉजी कंपनी, लिमिटेड. चीन में चिकित्सा आपूर्ति की एक पेशेवर निर्माता है, हम नायलॉन फ्लॉक स्वैब का उत्पादन और बिक्री करते हैं, वीटीएम किट, लार संग्रह किट और सीएचजी स्वैब & ऐप्लिकेटर.

  • संपर्क करें

    पता: कमरा 201, 301 और 401 बिल्डिंग ए नंबर 10, बाओ लंबी 5 वीं सड़क, टोंगल समुदाय, बाओलोंग स्ट्रीट, लोंगगैंग जिला,शेन्ज़ेन, गुआंग्डोंग, चीन.

    वेब: www.medicoswab.com

    फ़ोन नंबर: +86 0755-28997664

    ईमेल: info@medicoswab.com