डिस्पोजेबल बाँझ नमूना झाड़ू
Medico professional production of disposable sterile sampling swab, there are many types of products, there are nasopharyngeal swabs, मौखिक नमूना स्वाब, gynecological cervical brush, gene sampling swab
Product applications include medical DNA sampling, मौखिक नमूनाकरण, वायरस परीक्षण, नासॉफिरिन्जियल नमूनाकरण, virus bacterial sampling, प्रयोगशाला नमूनाकरण, जीन नमूनाकरण, gynecological sampling test.
Medico Medical Sampling Flocking Swab Because of it:
1 स्वतंत्र पैकेजिंग
2 Sampling quickly
3 large sample size
4 rapid release of the sample
Can make medical sampling more efficient, अधिक सुविधाजनक, but also by the medical institutions love