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Qu'est-ce qu'un test RT-PCR?


Le test RT-PCR signifie un test de réaction en chaîne par polymérase de transcription inverse en temps réel. La procédure de test RT-PCR est utilisée pour détecter l'acide nucléique du SRAS-CoV-2 dans des échantillons d'écouvillonnage nasopharyngé ou oropharyngé de personnes chez qui le COVID-19 a été diagnostiqué. Ceci est accompli en utilisant la fluorescence pour surveiller la réaction d'amplification, une technique connue sous le nom de PCR quantitative (qPCR). It allows professionals to immediately review the outcomes. One of the most extensively utilised methods for detecting COVID-19 is RT-PCR.

RT-PCR is a laboratory technique involving reverse transcription (RT) of viral RNA into DNA and then this Complementary DNA is amplified by the help of another technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It helps to detect even a very low concentration of virus at the time by amplification of DNA even when symptoms of the disease are not visible

What is the RT-PCR test procedure?
Sample collection is done using a swab to collect respiratory material found in your nose. he RT-PCR test identifies viral particles in patients using écouvillons nasopharyngés, écouvillons oropharyngés, prélèvements de gorge, and nasal swabs.

With the use of an RT-PCR test kit, trained specialists perform the test. The swab is sealed in a tube and shipped to a covid-19 testing laboratory after collection.

It also involves the extraction of Covid-19 virus genetic material (ARN). The PCR stage subsequently employs a PCR machine called a thermal cycler to amplify the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. If the virus is present, one of the probes/chemicals creates a fluorescent light throughout this procedure

When should you get the test done
If you experience any one of the symptoms of corona virus, It is advisable to get the Covid-19 RT-PCR test done.

The most common Covid-19 symptoms are fever, toux sèche, et la fatigue. Mal de tête, Des frissons, disorientation, Muscle or joint discomfort, Loss of taste or smell, Congestion nasale, Conjunctivitis (commonly known as red eyes), Mal de gorge, Nausées ou vomissements, different types of skin rash, or Diarrhea are some of the less common symptoms that may afflict some people.

Irritability, anxiety, depression, diminished consciousness, and sleeping difficulties are some of the mental symptoms that an infected person may experience.

People of all ages should seek medical attention right away if they have a fever and/or a cough that is accompanied by trouble breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, or loss of speech or movement. If at all possible, contact your health care provider, hotline, or health facility first so that you can be directed to the appropriate clinic.

La source: l'Internet

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