» Nouvelles de la société » Portugal discovers that three new coronavirus variants are spreading

Le Portugal découvre que trois nouvelles variantes de coronavirus se propagent


Le Portugal découvre que trois nouvelles variantes de coronavirus se propagent

The World Wide Web released that on December 23, a study published by the Portuguese National Institute of Health showed that Portugal discovers that three new coronavirus variants are spreading.

Researchers conducted genomic analysis of the new coronavirus samples collected in different periods in Portugal and found that the three new variants of the new coronavirus are most commonly spread in Portugal. The genetic mutations (A222V, S477N and S98F) are all related to the spike protein. 70% is a variant that quickly spread throughout Europe after it appeared in Spain a few months ago. The most common variant in the first wave of the epidemic in Portugal and the new variant reported in December in the United Kingdom were not found in the case samples of the autumn and winter epidemic.

Researchers believe that the new variant virus may be more infectious.
(Headquarters reporter Song Chengjie)
This article is transferred from [CCTV News Client]

Le Portugal découvre que trois nouvelles variantes de coronavirus se propagent Le Portugal découvre que trois nouvelles variantes de coronavirus se propagent

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