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Why Do We Need Virus Sampling And Transfer Tubes


Why Do We Need Virus Sampling And Transfer Tubes?

No matter the diagnosis of virus epidemic or the research of virus diseases, it is necessary to have a safer and more accurate virus sampling tube/transfer tube. HiViralTM virus sampling/transfer tube produced by HiMedia, an internationally renowned biological company, can better preserve the vitality and virulence of the virus and make the virus detection data more accurate.

Matters needing attention in use

1. The virus isolation depends on the correct specimen collection method, specimen collection time and specimen processing method to a great extent.

2. Specimen collection should be carried out in the acute stage of disease.

3. Do not use this product if:

(I) the color of culture medium changed

(ii) There is evidence that the culture medium has leaked

(iii) There are signs of deterioration of the culture medium.

4. In order to keep the infectivity of virus, the temperature of samples from collection to processing is very important. Samples should be sent to the laboratory as soon as possible after sampling. Samples can be stored at 2-8℃ within 48 hours of collection and transported in ice bags. If it is expected to exceed 48h, it shall be transported by dry ice and frozen at -70℃.

5. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing of collected samples.

6. It is recommended to refer to standard procedures and published procedures for sample collection and processing.

1 dans 41 people in the U.S. is infected 1 dans 41 people in the U.S. is infected

Test method: 1. Avant l'échantillonnage, mark relevant sample information on the label of sampling tube.

2. According to different sampling requirements, use sampling swab to sample the nasopharynx.

3. Specific sampling methods are as follows:

i) prélèvement nasal: insérez doucement la tête de l'écouvillon dans le palais nasal dans le passage nasal, and then slowly rotate and exit after stop for a minute. Wipe the other side with another swab Nose, immerse the swab head in the sampling solution, et jeter la queue. ii) Avaler un écouvillon: Wipe bilateral pharyngeal tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall with a swab, and immerse the swab head in the sampling solution and discard the tail.

4. Quickly put the swab into the sampling tube.

5. Break the part of the sampling swab higher than the sampling tube, et serrez le couvercle du tube.

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    Société de technologie médicale., Ltée. est un fabricant professionnel de fournitures médicales en Chine, nous produisons et vendons des écouvillons floqués en nylon, Kit VTM, kit de prélèvement salivaire et écouvillon CHG & applicateur.


    Adresse: Chambre 201, 301 et 401 Bâtiment A n ° 10, Bao long 5ème route, Communauté Tongle, Rue Baolong, District de Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Chine.

    la toile: www.medicoswab.com

    Numéro de téléphone: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com