Les masques sont les “arme la plus puissante” contre la nouvelle épidémie de couronne
Selon le World Wide Web: Biden a de nouveau exhorté les gens à porter des masques. Les masques sont les “arme la plus puissante” contre la nouvelle épidémie de couronne.
Selon Fox News.com, NOUS “élu” Le président Biden a prononcé un discours dans le Delaware en novembre 9, heure locale. Dans son discours, he urged the public to wear masks and said that wearing masks is still the “most effective” in fighting the new crown epidemic. A powerful weapon” rather than a political statement.
Selon les rapports, Biden said in his speech: “We know that the most effective way to prevent the spread of the new crown virus is to wear a mask. Before the vaccine is produced, wearing a mask is still the’most powerful weapon’ against the new crown epidemic.”
Afterwards, Biden a dit: “I won’t be able to assume the presidency until January 20. But what I want to convey to everyone today is: No matter who you vote for, it doesn’t matter how you stand before the election. But it’s about Your party, your opinion. If everyone wears masks in the next few months, we can save thousands of lives. It is not the lives of Democrats or Republicans, but the lives of Americans.”

arme la plus puissante