Aujourd'hui, c'est le 113 “Journée internationale des travailleuses”. Pour les femmes modernes, les problèmes de santé ne peuvent être ignorés; avec l’amélioration continue de la sensibilisation à la santé des femmes, les problèmes de santé attirent de plus en plus l’attention.
Les enquêtes épidémiologiques montrent qu'à l'heure actuelle, l'incidence des cancers gynécologiques représentés par le cancer du sein, cancer du col de l'utérus, cancer de l'endomètre, et le cancer de l'ovaire est relativement élevé, and there is a trend of younger age.
Maintenant, the medical community has confirmed that persistent infection of high-risk human papillomavirus (VPH) is a necessary factor for the occurrence of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions, c'est, HPV infection is the most critical link in the process of cervical canceration, so HPV detection has become a key factor in cervical cancer. One of the main methods of screening. Early detection and early treatment through HPV detection and screening is the key to reducing the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer.
Caring for women’s health, Medico is in action
Medico Disposable Cervical Sampling Kit Helps Women Take HPV Samples
Medico disposable cervical sampling kits are commonly used for the collection and preservation of vaginal and cervical secretions, HPV samples, for the collection, transport and storage of cervical exfoliated cell samples.
Medico Biotech strictly controls every production link, continuously improves and enhances the user experience of women, gives care and responsibility to products, and practices care for women’s health with practical actions.