» Nouvelles de l'industrie » Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19 Asymptomatic Patients

Foire aux questions sur les patients asymptomatiques COVID-19


Alors que la Chine lutte contre une nouvelle épidémie de COVID-19, la proportion accrue de patients asymptomatiques parmi les nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 a soulevé des questions parmi le public. Revenons sur quelques informations importantes sur les patients asymptomatiques du COVID-19.

Q: Qu'est-ce qu'une infection asymptomatique?

UN: Asymptomatic infection means people who display no abnormal findings on their lung CT scans and have no symptoms such as fever, cough or sore throat, but test positive for the novel coronavirus.

Q: What is the difference between confirmed and asymptomatic cases?

UN: Only those showing symptoms or who have abnormal lung CT scan findings can be labeled as confirmed cases.

Q: Can asymptomatic patients infect others?

UN: Asymptomatic patients, like confirmed ones, can also infect others. Confirmed transmission routes include direct transmission, aerosol transmission and contact transmission.

Q: How to find asymptomatic patients?

UN: There are three approaches to identifying asymptomatic patients: (1) proactively testing close contacts of confirmed cases during their medical observation period; (2) proactively testing those who have been exposed to the virus during infection source tracing; et (3) proactively testing key populations such as those who have traveled to regions with ongoing COVID-19 transmissions.

Q: How long should asymptomatic patients be quarantined?

UN: Asymptomatic patients usually spend on average a week in quarantine.

These individuals undergo nucleic acid tests once daily, starting a day after they are admitted, and are eligible for discharge should the results of two tests, taken at least 24 hours apart, return negative.

Q: Do asymptomatic patients require special medical treatment?

UN: Maintenant, asymptomatic patients do not require special medical treatment.


La source: Quotidien de la Chine

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