» Nouvelles de l'industrie » FDA warns against incorrect use of at-home COVID-19 test requiring nasal swab

La FDA met en garde contre une utilisation incorrecte du test COVID-19 à domicile nécessitant un prélèvement nasal


Des publications virales sur les réseaux sociaux indiquent qu’un prélèvement de gorge permettra d’obtenir un test COVID-19 plus précis. La FDA prévient que cela pourrait être dangereux.

AUSTIN, Texas — Après une tendance sur les réseaux sociaux, les Etats Unis. Administration des aliments et des médicaments (FDA) met en garde contre les problèmes de sécurité liés au prélèvement de votre gorge pour un test COVID-19 à domicile.
Pendant la majeure partie de la pandémie, many at-home tests required swabbing nostrils for COVID-19. Other tests have included saliva in a tube, a less invasive nose swab and others.

toutefois, with the new omicron variant, some experts are recommending those being tested also swab their throats. This comes after the FDA said at-home COVID-19 test have reduced sensitivity to omicron.

Since then, adding prélèvements de gorge to self-administered tests has gained attention on social media. Epidemiologist Michael Mina retweeted someone who tested negative multiple times through prélèvement nasal tests but then tested positive when adding a throat swab.

He posted on Twitter saying that symptoms start early with omicron, and there’s a chance the virus isn’t growing in the nose but could start further down in places like the throat. Alors, he recommends adding a throat swab.

toutefois, the FDA cautions against this advice.

In a statement to KVUE, they said the COVID-19 test should be used as the instructions state.

The FDA advises that COVID-19 tests should be used as authorized, including following their instructions for use regarding obtaining the sample for testing,” said a spokesperson for the agency. “The FDA has noted safety concerns regarding self-collection of throat swabs, as they are more complicated than nasal swabs – and if used incorrectly, can cause harm to the patient. The CDC recommends that throat swabs be collected by a trained healthcare provider.


La source: KVUE

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