Principales méthodes de test Covid-19: dispositif de collecte de salive, écouvillon nasal et écouvillon buccal
According to Ye Bingji, Président du comité de surveillance de la Société de médecine de laboratoire de Macao, les écouvillons nasopharyngés et oropharyngés sont inconfortables, mais les écouvillons nasaux ne feront pas vomir, et la sensibilité de l'échantillon est plus élevée. It is more important that the inspectors and residents cooperate with each other. The sampling work will be completed more smoothly.
In the global prevention and control of the new coronavirus, viral nucleic acid testing is one of the important measures. The quality of samples taken during the testing process directly affects the test results. According to Ye Bingji’s interview, there are currently three main methods for Covid-19 test sampling, including deep throat saliva (dispositif de collecte de salive), nasopharyngeal swab and oral swab. The sampling method depends on the regional epidemic prevention measures.
Throat saliva (dispositif de collecte de salive) test. The subject coughs up saliva into the sampling bottle. It sounds simple, but it is not just “spitting”. It must be spit out through the oropharynx to contain nasal fluid. In other words, if the tester can only provide Oral saliva may greatly compromise accuracy. Ye Bingji suggested that you should not eat a lot or rinse your mouth before the test, which will affect the test results.
Écouvillon nasal, étendre le coton-tige attaché au réactif dans la cavité nasale, et gratter l'épiderme muqueux plusieurs fois avec une force modérée. With an oral swab, extend the cotton swab attached to the reagent from the mouth into the pharynx, and scrape the mucous membranes of the bilateral pharyngeal tonsils and laryngopharyngeal wall with moderate force. He believes that the two sampling methods need to stay for a period of time, and the sampling will cause discomfort. Parmi eux, oral sampling will cause nausea and vomiting, while nasal sampling will not, and will not cause mistaking of the detection stick.

Écouvillon médical oral

Ecouvillon nasal Medico

Écouvillon médical oral

Dispositif de collecte de salive