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Comment choisir des supports de transfert de virus professionnels


What’s the usage of a virus transfer media?we can tell that its product use is for the collection, transportation and storage of samples.Virus preservation solution is a protective liquid medium added in the virus transfer media to protect the samples after nasopharyngeal swab sampling. It is usually called virus preservation solution in China, and it is often referred to as VTM solution or UTM solution for short. Généralement, in nucleic acid detection, nucleic acid PCR can’t be carried out directly at the sample collection place, and VTM needs to be added when the samples collected by swabs need to be transferred for detection.

Product features of a virus transfer media: 1. Bovine serum albumin was added into the upgraded HANK solution, which provided nutrition for the virus and kept its vitality and toxicity. 2. Antibiotics are added into the preservation solution, which improves the bacteriostatic effect of the sample solution stored at normal temperature on bacteria and solves the pollution problem of bacteria and fungi after sampling. 3. Buffer salt and phenol red for controlling pH value are used as pH indicator. 4. Adding antifreeze does not affect the normal use in low temperature environment, which is beneficial to the preservation of virus when the specimen is frozen.

Usage of Medico disposable virus transfer media:

Selon les exigences d'échantillonnage, prélever des échantillons avec un écouvillon d'échantillonnage. Après avoir collecté l'échantillon dans le tube d'échantillonnage, Placer l'échantillonnage d'échantillonnage. Casser l'écouvillon au point de coupe cassable de la tige de l'écouvillon d'échantillonnage, et jeter la queue. Serrer le couvercle du tube d'échantillonnage. Mark the information on the sample tube label as required. After the specimen is collected, it should be transported to an inspection laboratory with inspection ability within 3 working days. The storage temperature is 2-8 VOUS C; S'il n'est pas envoyé au laboratoire dans les 72 les heures, it should be kept at -70℃ or below, et le spécimen doit éviter les congélations et décongélations répétées.



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    Société de technologie médicale., Ltée. est un fabricant professionnel de fournitures médicales en Chine, nous produisons et vendons des écouvillons floqués en nylon, Kit VTM, kit de prélèvement salivaire et écouvillon CHG & applicateur.


    Adresse: Chambre 201, 301 et 401 Bâtiment A n ° 10, Bao long 5ème route, Communauté Tongle, Rue Baolong, District de Longgang,Shenzhen, Guangdong, Chine.

    la toile: www.medicoswab.com

    Numéro de téléphone: +86 0755-28997664

    E-mail: info@medicoswab.com