» Nouvelles de la société » The Brazilian president is “impuissant” pour lutter contre l'épidémie

Le président brésilien est “impuissant” pour lutter contre l'épidémie


Selon les médias russes, le soir du 28, heure locale, Le président brésilien Bossonaro a déclaré dans une interview qu'il ne pouvait pas résister à la propagation de la pneumonie due au COVID-19., et “soulagé” les familles des patients décédés d’une pneumonie due au COVID-19, disant ça “quelqu'un mourra toujours, c'est la vie”.

Selon les rapports, il y en a fini 5,000 deaths from pneumonia in COVID-19 in Brazil. On the evening of 28th local time, Bossonaro was stopped by reporters at the gate of his official residence. Answering a reporter’s question about the death cases in Brazil exceeding those in China, Bossonaro showedweaknessin the face of the epidemic. Il a dit: “Most of the dead are old people. I sympathize with them, but I can’t create miracles.”.

En même temps, Bossonaro also gavereliefto the families of the victims who died in the epidemic. Il a dit: “There will always be people dying, and no one can deny this, but this is life, and it may be my turn tomorrow. Bien sûr, we must die with dignity and leave good memories for ourselves. ”

Selon les rapports, Bossonaro has repeatedly criticized the local government’s isolation measures against SARS-CoV-2. He believes that these restrictions will lead to a sharp decline in the economy and an increase in unemployment rate, resulting indisastrous consequences”. Précédemment, in order to lift the isolation measures, Bossonaro even declared: “In any case, as many as 70% of the Brazilian population will eventually be infected, it is better to choose to restore the economy.He stressed that Brazil is facing two problems at the same time, namely, virus and unemployment, and the deterioration of economic situation is more terrible than virus.

Bossonaro’s behavior has been criticized by many local governors and people from all walks of life. According to the data released by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, à compter de 18: 00 local time on the 28 ème, il y avait 71,886 confirmed cases of COVID-19 pneumonia in Brazil, une augmentation de 5,385 cases over the previous day; Il y avait 5017 décès, une augmentation de 10.4% over the previous day. The Ministry of Health had previously predicted that the epidemic situation in the country would stabilize before July and gradually slow down in August.

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