Objectif : observer et discuter des méthodes de surveillance et des effets des échantillons prélevés dans la gorge sur la maladie pieds-mains-bouche. (HFMD) et résumer sa valeur d’application clinique. Méthodes Les échantillons prélevés sur la gorge de 164 patients atteints de HFMD collectés dans notre centre à partir de septembre 2009 à septembre 2013 ont été extraits avec de l'ARN viral. Les amorces spécifiques du virus Coxsackie 16 (CoxA16) and enterovirus type 71(EV71) were detected by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results Among 164 specimens, 90 cas (54.9%) were positive for intestinal universal primers, parmi lesquels 83 cas (50.6%) were positive for CoxA16 and 20 cases were positive for EV71. 12.2%. conclusion the epidemic monitoring of hand-foot-mouth disease showed that EV71 and CoxA16 viruses were the main pathogens, and throat swab specimens were used to monitor the epidemic situation of hand-foot-mouth disease, which was easy to operate, quick to produce results and high in detection rate, and had important clinical application value.
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