» Noticias de la compañía » Variation SARS-CoV-2 has these three characteristics! O deshabilitar la vacuna?

Variación sars-cov-2 tiene estas tres características! O deshabilitar la vacuna?


El 21, hora local, Muchos científicos británicos dijeron en una sesión informativa que después de verificar una serie de datos, Ellos son ahora “muy convencido” que esta variante del virus es más fácil de propagar que otras variantes del virus propagadas en el Reino Unido.

Según informes exhaustivos, recientemente, Se descubrió una mutación del SARS-CoV-2 en Gran Bretaña., y el virus puede aparecer en septiembre, which led to an increase in infection rates in many places, and triggered more than 40 countries and regions around the world toseal offthe UK. Por otro lado, although many British scientists said that mutated SARS-CoV-2 was easier to spread, WHO officials said on the 21st local time that mutated SARS-CoV-2 was not out of control and could be controlled by existing measures.

La Corporación Británica de Radiodifusión (bbc) reported on the 21st that the mutated virus was first discovered in September 2020. Statistics in November showed that one quarter of confirmed cases in London were related to the variant virus. By mid-December, the figure was close to two-thirds.

The BBC cited that the following three points have been combined and attracted people’s attention:

It is rapidly replacing other SARS-CoV-2 versions;

Importantly, it can partially affect the SARS-CoV-2 mutation;

Some mutations have been tested in the laboratory, which enhance the ability of virus to infect cells;

These factors lead to the emergence of a variant SARS-CoV-2 with stronger transmission power. The virus strain is abnormally highly mutable, and the most likely explanation is that it appears in patients who can’t resist the virus and have weak immune system. The most worrying point is whether it will avoid the antibody effect that the vaccine hopes to produce, and lead to the vaccine losing its efficacy.

En el mismo día, French Health Minister Willan also said that the variant SARS-CoV-2 has the possibility of spreading in France, and the French health department is conducting relevant research on the virus. De Christian Drosten, a well-known German virologist and professor at Charite University Hospital in Berlin, pointed out that the mutation SARS-CoV-2 in Britain already exists in Germany.

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