As China is battling a new COVID-19 outbreak, the increased proportion of asymptomatic patients in the newly confirmed COVID-19 cases has raised questions among the public. Let’s revisit some important information about COVID-19 asymptomatic patients. Q: What is asymptomatic infection? A: Asymptomatic infection means people who display no abnormal findings on their lung CT scans and have no symptoms such as …
Se realizan pruebas de ácido nucleico en Xi'an, provincia de shanxi, El miércoles. Las autoridades han reforzado las medidas de prevención y control para frenar la propagación del virus. [Foto de Ruan Banhui/para China Daily] Últimos grupos, posiblemente vinculado al grupo turístico, require urgent action The recent COVID-19 clusters in at least seven provinces and autonomous regions, which are suspected to be related …