Los hisopos de garganta y las muestras de sangre de neumonía en COVID-19 son precisos. Lo mejor es ir a un hospital público para que le extraigan sangre y le hagan un examen con hisopo de garganta., entonces obtendrás el resultado en 6 horas. Por ejemplo,si el resultado del examen es positivo, it means that the body has been infected with the virus.Patients who are carrying coronavirus will have a period of latent period.And then getting sick within 2-7 dias,and they will get cold in the early stage.
Advantages of Medico’s professional fast new throat swab
1,Made of non-inhibiting DNA amplification material, which can be directly amplified by PCR, omitting the extraction step.
2, Embalaje independiente,avoid pollution.
3, Strict process conditions, free of dnase and amplifiable human DNA.
4,Transparent tube body.